10 times Trump Cabinet officials said something that soon fell apart


Secretary of State Mike Pompeo admitted Wednesday that he was on that fateful call between President Trump and Ukraine’s president — about a week and a half after playing dumb about the call’s contents in an interview. As The Post’s Philip Bump writes, it’s a great example of a politician saying things that are strictly true while completely misleading the people he’s supposed to serve.

And as far as obfuscations go, it’s got plenty of company in Trump’s Cabinet.

From basically Day One, Trump Cabinet and Cabient-level officials have made claims or offered explanations that — similar to Pompeo’s — would soon fall apart in spectacular fashion. Oftentimes, they were doing so to toe the Trump line; other times, they were merely covering their own backsides.

View the complete October 3 article by Aaron Blake on The Washington Post website here.

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