A case of disrespect and incivility

I was struck by the rich irony of the news that my Congressman Erik Paulsen was selected as a member of the recently created Congressional Civility and Respect Caucus. The caucus states its mission is to “encourage all members of Congress to act with civility and respect in their political discourse in their congressional districts and in Washington.”

Congressman Paulsen doesn’t respect his constituents enough to talk with them in a public town hall setting and, in a recent letter to donors, called his constituent detractors “trolls.”

I visited Paulsen’s Eden Prairie office last spring with a constituent group to present a petition, and not only were we not allowed to enter the lobby office, when Paulsen stepped out by the main office door and saw us, he turned his back to us and quickly retreated back inside without saying a word.

I can’t imagine what this caucus thinks Paulsen can bring to the group, unless they plan to use his actions as a case study in disrespect and incivility.

Cindy Mundahl, Minnetonka
Lakeshore Weeekly, February 15, 2018

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