Dean Phillips on Rep. Collins and Corruption

EXCELSIOR, MN – Dean Phillips, candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s Third Congressional District, released the following statement on the indictment of Congressman Chris Collins and the ever-worsening culture of corruption in Washington:

“The indictment of Congressman Chris Collins for insider trading is yet another example of the greed that dominates Washington’s pay-to-play system. It is unfortunate – but not surprising – that Congressman Erik Paulsen, who accepted a $1,000 contribution from Congressman Collins earlier this year and has taken the 6th most special interest money in Congress, remains complicit in this culture of corruption.

“Time and time again, Congressman Paulsen has proven that his votes are bought and sold by special interests – when he refused to return contributions from the NRA after the shootings in Parkland, and again when he refused to return contributions from private prisons after the Trump administration’s family separation policy. Voters in Minnesota deserve more than empty quotes; the time for meaningful action is now.

“That’s why I am calling today for a ban on Members of Congress serving on for-profit boards, and also on the committees that govern the industries in which they work.”


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