DFL Chair Ken Martin on Donald Trump’s Inauguration

“Today, as Donald Trump becomes president, the Trump Administration will start working to undo all the progress we’ve made over the past 8 years. Their reckless ideas don’t account for the very real people who will be affected by them combined with the unrestrained support by the GOP-controlled Congress creates an unknown level of fear for what our future holds.

“But it’s not about how much we fear the uncertainty. It’s about how we transform that fear into fuel to fight the discrimination and hatred inherent in Trump’s policies so that we can protect the progress we made under President Obama’s bold leadership.

“It’s because of President Obama that we saw 75 consecutive months of job growth, we added nearly 16 million new jobs, 20 million Americans gained access to health insurance, young immigrants benefit from increased protections, more kids are graduating from high school and college than ever before, and that marriage equality is the law of the land.

“As DFLers, we need to commit to protecting this progress. Today we must gather our strength, join forces, and mobilize to protect everything we’ve gained. Today, the resistance begins.”

– See more at: https://www.dfl.org/blog/dfl-news/2017/01/dfl-chairman-ken-martin-on-donald-trumps-inauguration/#sthash.5eGN3D0a.dpuf

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