DFL Statement on Minnesota’s Precinct Caucuses

SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA – With Minnesota’s 2020 precinct caucuses less than one week away, DFL Chairman Ken Martin released the following statement on the importance of attending this year’s caucuses:

“Minnesota’s precinct caucuses, the kickoff to campaign season, are less than one week away and DFLers are fired up and ready to get organized. Our caucuses are this year’s first major step on the path to defeating Donald Trump, flipping the Minnesota Senate, and defending the tremendous gains our party made in 2018.

“At our caucuses, DFLers will get connected to their local organizing unit and learn how to help elect leaders that share our values of health care for all, strong public schools, and an economy that works for every Minnesotan. Since caucuses happen at the local level, they are a tremendous opportunity for Minnesotans to get to know like-minded neighbors, make new friends, and build deeper connections with their communities.

“Precinct caucuses also offer DFLers the chance to have an impact on the future of the party. The DFL’s grassroots endorsement process begins at our caucuses, where attendees can run to be a delegate to future party conventions where they will be able to vote on who the DFL endorses. DFLers also will be able to introduce and vote on resolutions to the DFL platform and shape what our party stands for and fights for.

“If you’re dismayed by what’s happening across our country and believe we can do better, then join our movement for a better future by attending your local DFL precinct caucus on February 25th at 7:00 PM.”

Minnesotans can find their DFL caucus locations at caucus.dfl.org.

Click here to read the DFL’s memo on what caucuses entail.



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