DNC Releases New Television Ad: Exploding

The DNC War Room today released a television ad, “Exploding,” to highlight to critical swing voters how coronavirus is exploding again across the country because of President Trump.

The Trump campaign is running ads about being tough on China, but Trump’s failure to promptly address coronavirus, lest he upset China, is maybe the most disastrous example of a president getting played by a foreign country, leading to a total catastrophe at home.

“More than 125,000 deaths, 20 million jobs lost, and the worst recession in generations. It didn’t have to be this bad. Trump ignored warnings, downplayed the crisis, and put his joke of a trade deal ahead of the American people. Now we’re paying the price,” said DNC Chair Tom Perez. “He put himself and his political fortunes first, and the health and well-being of the American people last.”



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