Fact Checkers Were Busy Last Night

Here’s the truth on Trump’s government shutdown:

  1. Trump shut down the government to force taxpayers to fund the wall that he promised, hundreds of times, would be paid for by Mexico.

  1. Trump said he was “proud” to shut down the government.

TRUMP: “I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down.”

TRUMP: “I’m very proud of doing what I’m doing.”

  1. Trump has manufactured another national security “crisis” at the border that does not exist. In fact, unlawful border crossings are historically low.

  1. Trump lies and misleads to argue his  border wall is necessary.

The White House falsely claims thousands of terrorists have been caught trying to come through the southern border.

A border wall would not stop drugs coming from Mexico.

Existing border fencing and barriers did not have a discernible impact on illegal immigration.

Trump’s own homeland security officials dismissed the efficacy of a border wall.

  1. This is a political stunt. Trump is using tonight’s address to raise money for his re-election campaign.

  1. Americans overwhelmingly oppose Trump’s wall and want Trump to end his shutdown.

70 percent of voters – including 61 percent of Republicans – want Trump to compromise and end the shutdown.

A majority of voters blame Trump or congressional Republicans for the shutdown.

  1. The Trump shutdown is hurting workers across the country.

“I feel that the livelihood of any American, but the livelihood of federal government workers and people who put their lives at risk every day to protect the public should never be used as a political bargaining chip. We’re not leverage for a partisan issue.” – Federal worker

“I, like most federal employees live paycheck to paycheck, so there is no cash reserve of any kind that we can get access to.” – Federal worker

“I am a single parent, I have two children at home: a 16-year-old, and a 10-year-old. I live paycheck to paycheck.” – Federal worker

“For someone to say that it could go on for months or years, we don’t have months or years. Our creditors are not going to give us an IOU. I talked to one this morning and was like, ‘Hey, can we work this out?’ And they basically said, ‘I’ll see you in court.’” – Federal worker

“I can’t go to the doctor until the government comes back up.” – TSA agent who was hurt on the job

“We have members who live paycheck to paycheck. We have mortgages to pay. We’re just like everybody else. Our creditors demand their bills to be paid on time. We’re worried they’re going to take a hit on their credit reports.” – Federal worker

“When something like this happens, and you’re not going to get your next check, it’s like, OK, what do I do? I will have to make a tough choice between paying my utilities or going and buying groceries.” – Federal worker

“I have recurring expenses including a mortgage and other bills. My wife and I also have a one-year-old baby and we have to pay child care and other expenses whether or not the government is shut down.” – Federal worker

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