Howard Stern diagnoses Trump’s ‘narcissism’: He was ‘traumatized’ in childhood and needs therapy

Radio host Howard Stern told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in an interview this week that President Donald Trump experienced a traumatic childhood and probably needed psychotherapy to recover.

Stern has known Trump for decades and frequently interviewed him on his show before he entered politics. In his new book, Howard Stern Comes Again, he details some of his experiences with Trump.

“From what I know of Donald and his relationship with his father, it sounds traumatic. It sounds like the father was very domineering. The father expected a lot of him. And the father, I don’t know, there was military school. You know, you read these drips and drabs and you go wow,” Stern explained.

View the complete May 27 article by Eric W. Dolan from Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.

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