In the Know: June 19, 2018

11 days until no excuse absentee balloting opens for the Aug. 14 primary

58 days until the Aug. 14 primary

95 days until no excuse absentee balloting opens for the Nov. 6 election

141 days until Election Day

2018 Elections  — Primary
Minnesota’s August primaries may deliver high drama, big turnout, MPR
High turnout predicted for August primary, MinnPost

Bureaucracy and politics slow election security funding to states, MPR
The Supreme Court just gave Republicans a big break on gerrymandering, Washington Post

Immigration Crisis
Listen to Children Who’ve Just Been Separated From Their Parents at the Border, ProPublica
Unapologetic Trump digs in on immigration despite outrage, Star Tribune
GOP, Dems express outrage at separating families, Star Tribune
All 5 first ladies speak out against family separation at boarder, Star Tribune
House GOP immigration bill would modify — but not end — child detentions, MPR<
Hundreds gather in Minneapolis to protest federal immigration policy, MPR
Minneapolis protesters march against family separations at U.S.-Mexican border, WCCO
Jeff Sessions, immigration and the Bible: The problems with citing a passage to support an opinion,Star TribuneMore than a month after Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Trump’s new “zero tolerance” policy to great fanfare, members of the administration continue to struggle with how to talk about it – alternating between defending the initiative as a necessary deterrent, distancing themselves, blaming Democrats, trying to use it as leverage for negotiations with Congress or denying that it exists at all, Washington Post


Public Employees
Legislative session: In several ways, the state did right by public employees, MinnPost

Trade War
Trump calls for tariffs on additional $200B in Chinese goods as trade war ramps up, The Hill
As tariffs intensify, Cargill emerges as leading pro-trade voice, Star Tribune

Trump to talk steel, shipping, trade at Duluth roundtable, MPR

For the first time since his first week in office, 45 percent of Americans approve of the job President Donald Trump is doing in a new Gallup poll released Monday. Trump’s average rating in Gallup’s weekly poll has been a less-than-robust 39 percent, but he’s been over 40 percent since April.

In a new CNN poll, Trump’s approval is at 39 percent, down from 41 percent last month. And it remains to be seen how the White House’s botched handling of the family separation crisis at the border will affect Trump’s numbers going forward — although it’s hard to imagine it won’t have an impact.

But the trend line is clear. According to Real Clear Politics’ polling average, Trump is at 44.3 percent approval as compared to 50.9 percent disapproval. The RCP numbers suggest Trump is in better shape — polling-wise — than at any time since the early part of his time in office.

Upcoming Events

  • June 19 — Juneteenth
  • June 20, 7:00 PM — CD3 DFL Central Committee Meeting, Minnetonka Community Center, 146000 Minnetonka Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55345
  • June 22, 12:00 PM — Stand Against Trump, SD40 DFL Treasurer John Schafer is holding a weekly hour of protest and resistance on Fridays from 12pm to 1pm at the corner of Brookdale & Xerxes in Brooklyn Park.
  • June 24, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM here— SD33 DFL Summper Picnic with House Candidates Norrie Thomas (HD33A) and Kelly Morrison (HD33B), Freeman Park, 6000 Eureka Rd, Shorewood, MN.  More information and RSVP .
  • June 29 through August 13 — Primary early voting. More information here.
  • June 29, 12:00 PM — Stand Against Trump, SD40 DFL Treasurer John Schafer is holding a weekly hour of protest and resistance on Fridays from 12pm to 1pm at the corner of Brookdale & Xerxes in Brooklyn Park.
Categories: DFL In the Know
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