Local residents meet with Rep. Erik Paulsen on gun violence

To the Editor:

On Tuesday, May 16, I had the opportunity to meet with my congressman, Erik Paulsen.

Five Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense members met with him to discuss legislation to reduce gun violence, specifically, universal background checks. We each shared stories of the impact of gun violence on our suburban lives.

A 14-year-old who had a bad week and killed himself with an unsecured gun, trauma for the families of the Accent Signage shooting, teachers leading preschoolers in lockdown drills and concerns for increased gun violence in the suburbs.

After sharing our emotional stories and concerns, we asked Paulsen about specific legislation he would support to reduce gun violence. He had nothing to share.

We told him we expected him to represent Minnesotans who overwhelming support universal background checks for ALL gun sales.

He said he didn’t know that 40 percent of all guns are bought without background checks – online, at flea markets and at gun shows.

Ultimately, he made no commitment to support background checks or any gun safety legislation. Although disappointed, we now know where he stands on reducing gun violence.

I encourage others to meet with him and ask about specific issues, then share the results of their meetings. If he won’t hold town hall meetings with his constituents, let’s bring town halls to him.

Go to his website and fill out the form to request a meeting.

Note your flexibility and be persistent. Issues like gun violence need to be addressed.

We deserve a representative who truly values our opinions and votes accordingly.

Beth Potter, Shorewood
Sun-Current, May 23, 2017

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