Many people showed up

Since taking our oaths of office last January, we have both been continually inspired by our constituents’ level of civic engagement. We had more than 110 people attend the forum at Minnetonka High School on Saturday, Nov. 11, and would like to thank all of you who showed up and made your voices heard.

We hope you found the morning to be as edifying and delightful as we did.

We discussed environmental protections, health care, Southwest LRT, education, youth engagement, gun violence, ethics and many other topics. Together, our biggest takeaway from the meeting was the passion our community has for making the world a better place, not just for today, but for future generations, also.  Almost every issue was discussed in the context of helping others, not just ourself.  We could not be prouder to have such thoughtful, well-informed and altruistic constituents.

We are both tremendously honored to serve as legislators.  Never hesitate to reach out to us, for we will bring your opinions and ideas to the Capitol and ensure all Minnesotans can participate in state government to their fullest extent.

Steve Cwodzinski, state senator, Eden Prairie
Laurie Pryor, state representative, Minnesota
Eden Prairie News, November 23, 2017

Categories: SD48
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