McConnell accuses Biden of ‘bait and switch’ for keeping campaign promises

Sen. Mitch McConnell accused President Joe Biden of running as a moderate but not governing as one.

Speaking to reporters, McConnell said:

With regard to the direction of the Biden administration so far, I think it can best be described as the “Biden bait and switch.” President Biden ran as a moderate, but I’m hard pressed to think of anything at all that he’s done — so far — that would indicate some degree of moderation.

The bait is always the title, like the massive COVID bill, but with only 1% for vaccines and 9% for health care. Or infrastructure, which is the bait, but the details involve more money for electric cars than for most projects that most of us consider infrastructure. And of course a massive tax increase, undoing the 2017 tax bill, which produced the biggest, best economy in 50 years as recently as February of 2020. Or a bill styled as voting rights, which in fact is a carefully designed plan for the Democrats to take over all of American elections all across the country.

But while it is clear that McConnell does not back Biden’s agenda, it is anything but a “bait and switch.” His policy agenda as president has been consistent with the proposals he outlined as a candidate. Continue reading.

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