Paulsen should support funding for the Census Burea

To the Editor:

I would like Erik Paulsen, as my representative in Plymouth, to speak out in Congress.  Not just vote and post brewery photo ops.  I would appreciate some leadership.  A voice where I cannot be a voice.

I a upset about the lack of leadership and funding approval for the Census Bureau.  They have a huge census coming up in 2020.  This will determine new election boundaries and distribution of funds.  I do realize that it is in the best interest of his party to not get an accurate census.  However, it is best for our country.  I put country over party  I would like Erik Paulsen to as well.

This President has yet to fill the leadership in the Bureau.  This Congress has yet to approve funding and the Bureau is already losing the ability to perform two of three dress rehearsals.  This is important stuff.  I need Erik Paulsen to please speak out.

Kerry Anderson, Plymouth
Plymouth Sun-Sailor, January 25, 2018

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