Rep. Debra Hilstrom (HD40B) Update: February 20, 2018

Rep. Debra Hilstrom (40B) – Legislative Update

Dear Neighbors,

The 2018 legislative session got underway at noon today. There is always a unique energy in the Capitol with advocates for a variety of issues filling the corridors. The legislature is facing a full agenda for a session that must conclude by May 21. I’m interested in hearing your input on what matters to you. Please take my short legislative survey here.

Ending the Opioid Epidemic

Last week I joined Governor Dayton, Senator Chris Eaton, Representative Dave Baker of Willmar and others to introduce a comprehensive package of legislation addressing the opioid epidemic. The proposal includes grants to local communities and tribal governments for prevention efforts, investments in Minnesota’s Prescription Drug Monitoring program (to better prevent “doctor shopping”), a variety of investments in treatment and recovery programs, and more tools for law enforcement and first responders, including providing a greater supply of the lifesaving medication Narcan.

Both here at the Legislature and in my work formerly as a prosecutor, I’ve seen results of the opioid epidemic. The opioid epidemic has highlighted that no region of the state, demographic or socioeconomic group, or academic background is immune from falling into the horrors of addiction. We must work together to move forward lifesaving solutions. This proposal contains important resources to prevent and treat opioid addiction. I look forward to working together to combat this epidemic.

The proposal stems from recommendations in a new report prepared by several state agencies titled “Minnesota’s Opioid Action Plan.” You can watch the remarks I shared at the press conference unveiling the legislation here.

Rally for Public Employees

Today I attended a rally on the State Capitol steps in support of Minnesota Association of Professional Employee (MAPE) members and other public employees. Pay and benefits for over 30,000 state workers remain in limbo since Republicans on a joint House/Senate committee rejected their contracts last October. This is unfortunate because these contracts were bargained in good faith, and provide just modest salary increases with employees paying more out of pocket for health insurance.

State workers clock in every day and ensure we have safe roads, our elderly and disabled are cared for, vulnerable children are taken care of, and we have clean water and a safe food supply, among countless other things many of us take for granted. It’s time to stop using working people as a bargaining chip and deliver the fair pay and benefits these folks deserve.

Sexual Harassment

Troubling reports emerged last November of sexual harassment in and around the State Capitol resulting in the resignation of one representative and one senator. Tomorrow all members of the Minnesota House will attend mandatory sexual harassment and implicit bias training, along with a bipartisan lunch. This will be an all-day event and any representative not attending will face the consequence of losing all committee memberships. A Subcommittee on Workplace Safety and Respect has also been established.

All of us have an obligation to change the environment at the Capitol and elsewhere so everyone – legislators, staff, advocates, media members, visitors and others – can safely carry out their duties with the dignity and respect they deserve. While training can be a good opportunity, reporting procedures must be improved and those taking part in unbecoming behavior must be held accountable.

Town Hall Meeting 

I want to thank everyone who attended our Town Hall in Brooklyn Park on Saturday. We had a full room with great questions and feedback from community members. If you couldn’t make it, Sen. Eaton, Rep. Nelson and I are hosting another meeting in Brooklyn Center on Saturday at the Brooklyn Center Community Center at 10:30 a.m. I hope you can make it.

Please stay in touch with any input, or if I can ever be of assistance. It’s an honor to represent you.


Debra Hilstrom

State Representative

Categories: SD40
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