Rep. Erin Koegel (HD37A) Update: February 19, 2021

Dear Neighbors,

Sen. Jerry Newton and I are holding a virtual town hall on Tuesday, March 30 at 7:00 p.m. We hope you’ll join us to discuss your ideas and priorities for the legislative session. The town hall will be held on Zoom, if you would like to participate in the Zoom portion, click here to RSVP and to submit a question.

Vaccine Connector

Yesterday, the state of Minnesota launched a new tool to help let Minnesotans know when they are eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine. We have all been eager to receive a vaccine as soon as possible, and luckily there are reasons to be optimistic that distribution will greatly accelerate soon. In the meantime, the new Vaccine Connector will alert Minnesotans when they are eligible, connect you to resources to schedule an appointment, and notify you about vaccine opportunities near you. Learn more and sign up here. Assistance is also available over the phone at 833-431-2053.

Middle and High Students Back to the Classroom

This week Governor Walz announced a plan to have all middle and high schools offer in-person learning by March 8. The direct engagement students have with their teachers and peers is critical toward both their academic achievement and their development into young adults. This plan is possible thanks to the precautions we have all taken to slow the spread, and progress we’ve made to get folks vaccinated.

Having students back in the classroom is only one step toward rebounding from the pandemic. We must also work together to address learning loss over the past year, invest in critical wrap-around supports, and deliver necessary funding for school districts.

Keep in Touch

You can contact me at rep.erin.koegel@house.mn or (651) 296-5369. You can now follow me on Facebook as well! I appreciate the opportunity to serve our district in the legislature and look forward to hearing from you.


Erin Koegel
State Representative

Data and Research Manager: