Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: April 5, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

I hope this finds you well! Here’s an update from St. Paul:

Governor Walz’s State of the State Address

It was an honor to attend the State of State representing our great City of Edina. Governor Walz delivered a compelling speech asking us to work together, across party lines for the people of Minnesota. I heard his message that we have the opportunity to change the dialogue from what a divided government can’t do — to a new story about what divided government can accomplish. As we enter into the final stretch of the 2019 legislative session, I hope we can live up to this and place the people of Minnesota above party politics. Thank you for the inspiration, Governor!

The Star Tribune’s coverage of the address is here.

Minnesota Values Budget

Budgets are more than just spreadsheets and numbers — they’re a reflection of our values and morals. The Minnesota Values Budget invests in a state that works better for everyone no matter where you live or what you look like. It is based on Minnesotans’ care and compassion for their neighbors and the desire to see everyone succeed just as much as they do their own families.

The House Majority’s budget will strengthen communities across the state through honest investments to improve education opportunities, support our families, and increase economic prosperity. Transportation is a huge component of these goals and I’d like to share those details with you below:


The American Society of Civil Engineers rated Minnesota’s roads as “D+” on their most recent infrastructure report card. Bridges received a “C” and transit was awarded a “C-.” Minnesotans and their families deserve better. A cornerstone to our responsible transportation solution is a nickel gas tax increase phased in over four years to pay for honest investments for roads and bridges. This constitutionally-dedicated revenue cannot be used on anything else.

Minnesotans need a reliable, modern, and sustainable transportation system that allows everyone travel to work, doctor’s appointments, grocery stores, and school quickly and safely. Not only maintaining, but improving our roadways, bridges, transit, pedestrian walk and bike paths is crucial to keep us safe, create good jobs and build a strong economy. You can read more about the bill here.

Public Safety

The Public Safety budget provides a pathway for Minnesotans to move beyond the criminal justice system, delivers justice for crime victims, and holds those who hurt others and hurt communities accountable.

I’m pleased to share that the gun violence prevention measures have been included in this comprehensive public safety bill. HF 8 would require criminal background checks to be performed prior to all gun sales. HF 9 would provide for “Red Flag laws,” temporarily restricting an individual’s access to firearms if a court determines they may be a threat to themselves or others. You can find more information on the bill here.

More broad budget bills are coming together and I will keep you posted on their progress.


We had our last week of interns. Thank you to Nassim Rossi who organized the interns’ program and had over 40 Edina high school students / interns join us at the Capitol this session!

Keep in Touch

Please continue to write, call and email any time, about any issue of importance. I appreciate hearing from you!

It’s an honor to represent you at the Capitol.

Heather Edelson
State Representative

Categories: SD49
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