Rep. Kelly Morrison (HD33B) Update: April 26, 2021

Dear Neighbors,

This has been a challenging and emotional couple of weeks. I hope you’ve been able to set aside time for yourself and are taking a moment to check in on loved ones. In spite of – and because of – these tumultuous times, I am more committed than ever in my role as your state representative to help bridge divides and get us on a path forward together.

As you know, we’ve been working diligently on developing a balanced two-year state budget. In the House, we’re focused on pandemic recovery for our families and small businesses, and ensuring all areas of the budget deliver opportunity for every Minnesotan to thrive.

So far, we’ve passed budget bills for the following areas:

Here are a few highlights I’d like to share with you:

Protecting Our Environment and Natural Resources

Last Thursday, on Earth Day, we passed the Environment and Natural Resources budget, our robust plan to protect Minnesota’s air, water, land, and wildlife for current and future generations. This proposal delivers funding to manage significant threats like climate change, pollution, and invasive species; strengthens environmental protections; expands access to the outdoors and outdoor recreation, with a focus on children and young adults; protects animals and insects, including pollinators. I’ve been appointed to the House and Senate Environment Conference Committee, which will be tasked with reconciling the differences within each bill. Five appointed members of the House and five members of the Senate will work over the course of the next few weeks to find a compromise we can bring to our respective chambers for a final vote.

The Star Tribune recently published an article that highlights the great success of the Lawns to Legumes program, legislation I authored in 2019. Approximately 750 Minnesotans have received financial assistance from this program since it was established two years ago. They planted 157,000 square feet of pollinator habitat across the state, and homeowners who didn’t receive assistance planted another 190,000 square feet. I’m pleased this successful initiative has become a reality for our 33B communities. We can all play a role in making small changes to protect our threatened pollinators.

COVID-19 Vaccine Update 

Thousands of appointments to receive a COVID-19 Vaccine are available at theMinnesota State Fairgrounds. You can schedule an appointment by signing up for the state’s Vaccine Connector or by calling 1-833-431-2053, and support is available for multiple languages (translators are also available on-site). The location has an ADA accessible drive-through option, and free Metro Transit passes are available for everyone who registers.

As of this week, 56% of Minnesotans age 16 or older have received at least one dose. Having as many people vaccinated as possible is the most immediate, significant action we can take to move past this pandemic.

In related news, Johnson and Johnson vaccinations have resumed.

BREAKING: Minnesota will Retain all 8 Congressional Seats 

Census reporting was released today indicating that by a narrow count of 89 people, Minnesota will not lose any congressional seats. Kudos to everyone in our 33B communities for taking the time to make their voice counted in the U.S. Census to protect critical federal funding we all need for a healthy, thriving Minnesota.

Keep in Touch 

Please continue to reach out anytime at rep.kelly.morrison@house.mn or 651-296-4315 with input or questions. Don’t hesitate to let me know how I can provide assistance.

Thank you for the honor of serving our 33B communities in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

Have a great week.

Take care,


Data and Research Manager: