Rep. Laurie Pryor (HD48A) Update: April 23, 2021


The guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial is just, but it will not bring George Floyd back. George’s family and friends are in our thoughts and we wish them well as they move forward. We must continue our work at the Capitol to pass meaningful reform and ensure all Minnesotans arrive home safely every night.

Budget Bills Advance

Monday, we passed the Omnibus Higher Education Finance and Policy Bill and the Omnibus Education Finance Bill. Both measures look to the future by preparing students for success and planning for our 21st century workforce. I serve as vice-chair of the Early Childhood Finance and Policy Committee and just yesterday was appointed as a House conferee to work out differences between the House and Senate versions of the Education bill.

We also approved the Omnibus Workforce Bill. Some highlights of the bill include keeping workers safe on the job, helping workers recover from illness or to care for a newborn or family member and delivering economic security if a worker loses their job during the pandemic.

We also approved the AgricultureCommerce/EnergyTaxes and Environmentbudgets.

The Omnibus State Government Finance Bill, passed the House last Friday and on Saturday, we were on the House floor for several hours, debating the Omnibus Transportation Finance Bill.

You can watch our live floor sessions here.

You can follow the daily legislative schedules here.

COVID-19 Vaccination Update

New data released shows more than 2.3 million Minnesotans have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Since vaccine eligibility has expanded, more Minnesotans are getting appointments every day.

It is important to get a vaccine to protect yourself and others. This is one more step back to participating in activities we enjoy and spending time with people we love.

I am thrilled to have just received my second shot!  

If you haven’t received your vaccination, check Minnesota’s COVID-19 mn.gov/vaccineconnector, call 833-431-2053 or check with your health insurance carrier to help you find out when, where, and how to get a vaccine.

You can learn the most recent statistics on who is getting vaccinating and other key data by clicking on this link.

Rent Assistance Now Available

For renters and housing providers continuing to struggle during these challenging economic times, new funds are now available to help. RentHelpMN has opened for applications, making it possible for low- and moderate-income renters to get caught up on overdue rent and utilities dating back to March 13, 2020. It also makes provisions for those at risk of falling behind on rent payments due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Please take a moment to click on this link and complete my legislative survey before April 30. Your priorities are important to me. In a future update, I look forward to sharing the responses with you. [This survey was created prior to the February forecast announcement and question #4 doesn’t reflect the current $1.6 billion projected positive budget balance].

Stay connected with the legislature

The Minnesota House of Representatives Public Information Services offers nonpartisan recaps of high-profile bills, committee hearings, and floor sessions with their Session Daily publication. Subscribe to receive these here. To track bills of interest through the legislative process, I encourage you to utilize the MyBills feature on the Minnesota House of Representatives’ website here.  

Please continue to reach out with any input, ideas, or feedback about the issues important to you. I value hearing from you, so please don’t hesitate to call or email me any time. You can also connect with me on Facebook here. It’s an honor to represent you at the State Capitol.


Laurie Pryor

State Representative

Data and Research Manager: