Rep. Linda Slocum (HD50A) Update: March 29, 2018

Rep. Linda Slocum (50A) – Legislative Update

Dear Neighbors,

We are at the first set of major deadlines at the Capitol. There is still a lot of work to do and I will continue fighting for income fairness, improved benefits, expanded education opportunities, and to make affordable health care a reality for all Minnesotans.

State Contracts Finally Approved
Contracts were ratified for 30,000 state workers and signed by Governor Dayton after months of delay. These contracts were negotiated and approved last year, but held up by Republicans. No family should ever have their livelihood threatened in such a way. It’s nice to see that we’re finally doing right by the people who plow our roads, keep our water clean, monitor health emergencies, inspect bridges and respond when our state is in crisis.
MNLARS funding signed by the Governor
Last week, after too much feet dragging by Republican leaders, they finally agreed to a compromise allowing the MNLARS repairs to continue. A month ago we tried to help pass a similar proposal. Unfortunately, it was blocked resulting in additional delays. It is frustrating an agreement took so long, but ultimately I am glad improvements will continue and more Minnesotans will receive the type of service they expect and deserve.

Gun Violence Prevention Measures Halted
After weeks of sustained protests, calls and emails in the wake of the Parkland, Florida shooting, it appears as if progress on stopping senseless gun violence has ended for this year. Despite numerous conversations I was unable to get a hearing for my comprehensive gun safety bill. I am very disappointed.

I was on MSNBC’s AM Joy discussing gun violence and how out of touch the NRA is with Minnesotans. If you would like to watch, click here at the Capitol.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I am so proud to represent our community at the capitol.


Linda Slocum
State Representative

Categories: SD50
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