Rep. Linda Slocum Update: May 11, 2017

Rep. Linda Slocum (50A) – Legislative Update

Neighbors and Friends,

We are quickly approaching the legislative session’s constitutional adjournment deadline of May 22. Legislators and Governor Dayton are engaged in budget talks, working on a compromise to end the 2017 session on time. Here is an update from the Capitol:


The House and Senate Republican majorities are still far apart from Governor Dayton in their budget offers. With less than two weeks to go before adjournment, more compromise is needed to invest in the things that Minnesotans value.
Governor Dayton’s proposal invests in education on all levels and builds a better Minnesota through efficiency and accountability. The Republican budget leaves most Minnesotans behind by choosing massive tax cuts for the wealthy and well-connected and cuts to things we value. With a $1.65 billion budget surplus, deep and hurtful cuts are outrageous.

Republicans are choosing to

  • eliminate voluntary pre-K funding statewide
  • underfund our public schools, causing larger class sizes, teacher layoffs, and fewer services for kids
  • drive up tuition at the University of Minnesota
  • slash transit statewide, making it difficult for those dependent on public transportation to get to their jobs and medical appointments
  • underfund the bonding bill (which should reflect infrastructure projects badly needed for our community)
  • give a $161 million tax cut to the wealthiest 1,000 families in Minnesota

With less than two weeks left in the session, I’ll continue to be engaged with our legislative leaders and Governor Dayton as we work for a compromise that prioritizes the things Minnesota values in order to build a better future for everyone.

PROTECTING OUR ENVIRONMENTIn a surprise move, Republicans on the Environment and Natural Resources conference committee decided to eliminate general fund money for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

It should be obvious why this is such a bad idea. Here in Minnesota, we are proud of our great natural resources, and allowing polluters to wreak havoc on our air and water is decidedly a step in the wrong direction.

The current majority is also proposing deep cuts for all environmental agencies and lots of unsound policy that will prevent effective pollution mitigation.

Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Sincerely,Rep. Linda Slocum

Categories: SD50
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