Rep. Phillips Statement on Yesterday’s War Powers Vote

“As a Gold Star son, I know the human cost of war is immeasurable. That’s why we need a vigorous, bipartisan debate before making the very grave decision of sending young American men and women to battle. Our founding fathers believed such deliberation was so essential that they mandated in our Constitution that a President cannot go to war by fiat – he or she must first consult with Congress.

In affirmation of the Constitution, I voted in support of today’s War Powers resolution. However, I am disappointed with the decision to bring this bill to the floor at this time. If such resolutions are not bipartisan and unanimous, it can send the wrong message to the world and to our enemies. It’s my hope and intention to inspire a new generation of leadership in Congress that commits to enhanced collaboration and reduced division.

Over the Christmas holiday, I traveled to American military bases in the Persian Gulf to meet with our military leaders and service members and their families. They are all on my mind and in my prayers. Our men and women in uniform deserve to be supported by a leader with a steady hand, a well-conceived strategy, and a Congress willing to exercise its Constitutional duty with their safety in mind.”

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