Rep. Samantha Vang (HD40B) Update: April 24, 2020

Dear Neighbors,

A breakthrough in testing for COVID-19 has been reached as a result of ongoing collaboration between the Legislature, Governor Walz, the University of Minnesota, Mayo Clinic, Hennepin Healthcare, and Minnesota’s health plans. You can watch a replay of the announcement here.

Soon, every Minnesotan with symptoms of COVID-19 will be able to get tested. Thanks to funding provided by the Legislature and the hard work of scientists and public health experts, we will establish capacity to deliver 20,000 molecular and 15,000 serology tests per day. This is a major milestone in our ongoing work to re-open Minnesota’s economy in a way that keeps people safe, prevents loss of life, and uses science to guide decision making.

The Health and Human Services committee held a public hearing yesterday to receive an overview of Minnesota’s new testing strategy. Click here to watch a replay of the hearing and learn more about what this could mean for you, your family, and your business.

Up to 100,000 Minnesotans going back to work Monday

Minnesota is allowing certain non-critical businesses to re-open if they follow public health guidelines to keep workers safe. Developed in partnerships with hundreds of businesses, labor and worker organizations, and public health experts, this action will allow 80,000-100,000 Minnesotans to return to work in industrial, manufacturing, and office settings on Monday, April 27.

Prior to loosening restrictions for a given setting, businesses must:

  • Create, share, and implement a COVID-19 Preparedness Plan that sets out the actions they are taking to ensure social distancing, worker hygiene, and facility cleaning and disinfection necessary to keep workers safe

  • Engage in health screening of employees and ensure that sick employees stay home

  • Continue to work from home whenever possible 

Visit www.mn.gov/deed/safework to learn more.

Distance Learning to continue through end of school year

To protect the safety of students, teachers, and staff, Minnesota is extending distance learning for the remainder of the school year. Continuing distance learning is the right decision, but it makes our work to address Minnesota’s racial disparities in education even more pressing.

All Minnesota children deserve a great education — whether that’s in the classroom or in the distance learning reality we find ourselves in now. We will continue to monitor how this is affecting our students and how we can bridge the opportunity gap to ensure every student has the chance to succeed.

The House is also working on legislation to make sure our hourly school employees receive compensation during this difficult time. Me and my colleagues are advancing legislation to do this and we are committed to providing economic security for this vital part of our workforce.

Reminder: Fill out the Census

The data that will be collected by the 2020 Census are critical for states, counties, and communities. They will shape political representation, funding of government programs, the flow of business and commerce, and the planning and delivery of services to local communities. Please remember to fill out your census if you have not already done so! More information is available at www.2020census.gov

Contact me

I will provide new information about Minnesota’s COVID-19 response as it becomes available. Please contact my office if you are having trouble finding answers to your questions or receiving the help you need. My email is rep.samantha.vang@house.mn and you can reach me by phone at 651-296-3709.

Thank you for all you are doing to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This is a very difficult time for everyone, and we will get through it by caring for each other.

Samantha Vang
State Representative

Data and Research Manager: