Republicans Move Forward with Efforts to Repeal the Affordable Care Act – Without a Replacement

Republicans Move Forward with Efforts to Repeal the Affordable Care Act – Without a Replacement 


Following his inauguration, President Trump signed a vague, yet potentially broad, executive order attacking the Affordable Care Act. As President Trump and Congressional Republicans continue to move forward with their plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act, they still don’t have a real plan for replacing the law and ensuring millions of Americans aren’t kicked off of their health coverage. Republicans are now in charge of our health care system, and they are responsible for the chaos, loss of coverage, and premium increases that the American people will see as a result of their actions. Democrats will continue to fight against Republican attacks on our health care system and their efforts to Make America Sick Again.

As someone who represents 62,000 federal employees, I am also concerned by President Trump’s executive order implementing a hiring freeze on our federal workforce. A hiring freeze will do nothing to save taxpayers’ money or streamline operations. Instead, it will only undermine the ability of federal employees to carry out their duties on behalf of the American people and it will weaken our ability to recruit and retain skilled workers. For example, if a nurse caring for veterans through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) retires, the VA won’t be able to replace her or him and fewer workers will be available to serve veterans. It’s a misguided policy, and I strongly urge the President to reconsider it.

Finally, I’m deeply troubled by President Trump’s executive orders on immigration. Instead of working with Congress to enact comprehensive immigration reform that includes strong border security, the President is moving forward with plans to wall off our country, costing taxpayers tens of billions of dollars on a gimmick that will not make our country more secure. I join with the Hispanic Caucus and my Democratic colleagues in calling on President Trump to abandon his border wall and work with us to adopt rational immigration policy that will fix our broken system and keep our country safe. 

Sincerely yours,

Steny H. Hoyer


On Republican Attempts to Repeal the Affordable Care Act Without Offering a Real Replacement Plan

Hoyer: President Trump’s Executive Order Imposing a Hiring Freeze on Federal Workers Will Hinder the Functioning and Efficiency of Our Government

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