Sen. John Hoffman (SD36) Update: April 21, 2021

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

On Tuesday April 20, Derek Chauvin was found guilty on the charges second-degree murder, third-degree murder, and second-degree manslaughter. This verdict does not come lightly, as the eyes of the world have been upon Minnesota and will continue to be. 

Nothing can bring George Floyd back, but today was an important structural piece towards accountability. It is also abundantly clear that one conviction will not address the feelings of so many Minnesotans, who feel and have witnessed that the system is not working equally for everyone. We also know that over 50 percent of all use of force incidents involve a person with a disability. 

Each of us have a role to play in pursuit of a more just world, and this is especially true for us at the Minnesota Legislature. We must work together to deliver the changes necessary to make sure every Minnesotan feels safe in their community. With just one month left in this legislative session, we must build on our work from last summer. We must also remember that George Floyd was someone who struggled with recovery yet found time to volunteer to be a mentor to homeless youth even taking them to see the Twins play baseball.  

In the aftermath of Derek Chauvin’s trial, and the death of Daunte Wright, we must recognize the work that needs to be done to address the inequities in Minnesota. Minnesota has some of the nation’s worst disparities in housing, education, and income. We need to address those structural barriers including the intersectionality of disability so that all Minnesotans feel safe in their communities and have equal access for success in life.  All means all.  

No matter our differences or where we live, we are all Minnesotans. We should want to see our fellow Minnesotans in every part of our state succeed. There are things that unite us as Minnesotans, including the shared belief that we all deserve to be safe in our communities. 

Senator John Hoffman

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