Steve King and Donald Trump: mutual fans and echoes

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders called King’s behavior “abhorrent.” But Trump and King have a long history together. (Meg Kelly/The Washington Post)

“I am just a big fan in what he stands for.”

— Donald Trump, joint interview with Rep. Steve King on Iowa’s “Mickelson in the Morning,” Oct. 14, 2014

In the New York Times interview that caused a firestorm, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) says he once told President Trump: “I market-tested your immigration policy for 14 years.”

After all, King was advocating for a border wall — a “King wall” as he called it — as early as 2006, almost 10 years before the concept of a wall along the southern border turned up in Trump’s announcement that he was running for president.

View the complete January 17 article by Glen Kessler and Meg Kelly on The Washington Post website here.

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