‘Don’t mansplain to me’: Former prosecutor destroys Brietbart reporter’s uninformed claims about the law

AlterNet logoFormer Assistant U.S. Attorney Mimi Rocah ripped a conservative for “mansplaining” his uninformed views about the law.

On Tuesday, Rocah offered her legal analysis of the reporting that President Donald Trump knew of the White House whistleblower’s complaint two weeks before releasing military aid to Ukraine.

“This is what prosecutors call consciousness of guilt,” Rocah explained. “It’s very strong evidence that when he froze the money it was for an illicit purpose.”

View the complete November 27 article by Bob Brigham of Raw Story on the AlterNet website here.

White House claims it had no advance knowledge president’s son was about to out whistleblower

AlterNet logoDonald Trump Jr. Wednesday morning appears to have outed the whistleblower whose formal complaint against President Trump led directly to the start of a damning impeachment investigation. The president’s eldest son, who just began a tour to promote his new book that attacks the left, took to Twitter to engage in what some claim is an illegal act.

Trump Jr. posted a tweet linking to the website Breitbart, which used to be run by the president’s former campaign manager and former White House Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor.

The title of the article includes the name of the alleged whistleblower. NCRM will not publish that name nor will we link to tweets or articles that do.

View the complete November 6 article by David Badash from The New Civil Rights Movement on the AlterNet website here.

Cambridge Analytica Had Exclusive Rights to Breitbart Data, Says Ex-Director

The following article was posted on the Daily Beast website April 18, 2018:

Credit: Bill O’Leary, The Washington Post

A former Cambridge Analytica director has claimed that the company had exclusive access to Breitbart’s engagement data. Breitbart, the far-right news outlet formerly run by top Trump adviser Steve Bannon, allegedly gave exclusive access to Cambridge Analytica to resell data about what its users were reading. Brittany Kaiser, former director of program development at Cambridge Analytica, gave evidence to a British parliament committee about the arrangement during a hearing Tuesday. In her written statement, Kaiser revealed: “One of Cambridge Analytica’s competitive advantages in the U.S. marketplace in 2016, and a key part of our pitch to Republican clients, was that we had secured exclusive rights to resell Breitbart engagement data. This meant that we had at least some access to what tens of millions of Americans were reading on Breitbart, and could feed this data into our campaign models to help predict resonant issues—and to influence behavior. Breitbart became one of the biggest media platforms in the U.S. in 2016, and its stories often went viral on Facebook.”

Trump slurs Jewish adviser during cabinet meeting

The following article by Tommy Christopher was posted on the shareblue.com website March 8, 2018:

Gary Cohn is sent off with an epithet popularized by Breitbart.

Gary Cohen at podium. Credit: Sky News

Trump economic adviser Gary Cohn resigned this week, and Trump bid him farewell by using what amounts to an anti-Semitic slur at a cabinet meeting.

Cohn, who did not resign after Trump called Nazis “very fine people,” finally quit this week after Trump announced tariffs that could lead to a trade war.

On Thursday morning, Trump told his assembled cabinet, “This is Gary Cohn’s last meeting in the cabinet, of the cabinet. He may be a globalist, but I still like him.” Continue reading “Trump slurs Jewish adviser during cabinet meeting”

USA Today Report Raises New Questions About Stephen Bannon And The “Breitbart Embassy”

The following article by Pam Vogel was posted on the National Memo website March 26, 2017:


White House senior adviser Stephen Bannon’s housing and financial arrangements are unusually complicated. Many reporters have attempted to tackle the intricate and conflicting network of connections between Bannon, the extreme-right Breitbart.com site that he used to run, far-right billionaires, a tangle of small companies and financial holdings, and President Donald Trump. USA Today’s new report on the Washington, D.C., town house near Capitol Hill known as the “Breitbart Embassy” hints at another set of potential conflicts of interest for the senior White House official.

The “Breitbart Embassy” has been a D.C. staple since Breitbart (then a fringe conservative site) began operating out of the residential property in 2011. As early as 2013, the town house was described as then-Breitbart chief Stephen Bannon’s house — though it’s actually owned by an Egyptian businessman and politician named Moustafa El-Gindy. Until recently, there have been conflicting reports on the nature of any official relationships between Breitbart or Bannon and the actual owner of the property, including the nature of any financial or leasing agreements among the different parties. Continue reading “USA Today Report Raises New Questions About Stephen Bannon And The “Breitbart Embassy””

CPAC Is Trying To Wash The “Alt-Right” Stench Off Breitbart

The following article by Matt Gertz was posted on the Media Matters website February 23, 2017:

The term “alt-right” is toxic. It should be. The loose confederation of neo-Nazis, white nationalists, and misogynists have spent the last year spreading fear, hatred, and conspiracy theories.

The problem for conservatives is that the movement is directly connected to the major right-wing news outlet Breitbart.com; its former executive chairman, Stephen Bannon; and Bannon’s new boss, President Donald Trump. Continue reading “CPAC Is Trying To Wash The “Alt-Right” Stench Off Breitbart”

Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos resigns following outrage over his past comments about pedophilia

The following article by Paul Farhl was posted on the Washington Post website February 21, 2017:

Milo Yiannopoulos, the incendiary writer and commentator who helped make Breitbart News a leading organ of the “alt-right,” resigned from the news organization Tuesday after a video of him endorsing pedophilia resurfaced online over the weekend.

Yiannopoulos — known simply as MILO in Breitbart’s own coverage of him — has been a flame-throwing provocateur whose writing has offended women, Muslims, blacks and gay people ever since former Breitbart executive chairman Stephen K. Bannon hired him as a senior editor in 2014. Continue reading “Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos resigns following outrage over his past comments about pedophilia”

Bannon Takes Control

While Trump lies, the former Breitbart chief seizes the reins of power.

The following article by Jefferson Morley was posted on the AlterNet website January 26, 2017:


One key question of the Trump presidency in its first week is: who is actually going to perform the tasks associated with the job?

While the liberal comedians and right-wing pundits agitate themselves about crowd sizes, odd tweets and imaginary voter fraud, Politico and the Hill supply some data points about the all-important paper flow in Washington. Steve Bannon, the former Goldman Sachs executive-turned-Breitbart news chief, is running the government, while the president argues with actresses.

Politico reports that the executive orders Trump has been signing were prepared and coordinated by Bannon. Various Cabinet secretaries and congressional leaders were not consulted, according to the story. Such procedural corner-cutting is not inconsequential when it comes to spending $25 billion of taxpayer funds or running the CIA. Continue reading “Bannon Takes Control”

Trump Punishes CNN After It Challenged Him, Rewards Breitbart For Sucking Up

The following article by Oliver Willis was posted on the Media Matters website January 11, 2017:

During Donald Trump’s press conference, the president-elect criticized CNN for reporting on alleged contacts between his campaign and the Russian government, and then CNN reporter Jim Acosta tried to ask a question. Trump refused Acosta’s repeated requests. Soon after, Trump solicited a question from Matthew Boyle of the embarrassingly pro-Trump Breitbart News, who served up a softball.

On Tuesday, CNN reported that “classified documents presented last week to President Obama and President-elect Trump included allegations that Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” The documents also reportedly included “allegations that there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.” Buzzfeed followed CNN’s article by publishing pages of raw memos related to the allegations.

At his press conference, responding to a question from CBS’ Major Garrett, Trump elaborated on a tweet he sent out on Wednesday morning in which he wrote, “Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to ‘leak’ into the public. One last shot at me. Are we living in Nazi Germany?”

Trump said BuzzFeed would “suffer the consequences” for publishing the memos and that CNN went “out of their way to build it up.”

CNN reporter Jim Acosta then attempted to ask Trump a question, noting, “Since you’re attacking us, can you give us a question?” Trump refused and waved him away. Acosta persisted, and Trump refused and said CNN is “terrible,” told Acosta to be quiet, and said, “You are fake news,” before moving on to another reporter.

A few minutes later, Trump turned to Matt Boyle of Breitbart.com, who proceeded to ask Trump about “all the problems that we’ve seen throughout the media over the course of the election” and “what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”

It would hardly be possible to ask a more sycophantic and fawning question, but coming from Breitbart, it’s not surprising.

Breitbart has become the all-but-official voice of Trump over the past two years. The site has tied itself into absurd knots to defend him and attack his opponents in both the Republican and Democratic parties, while also mangling and inventing stories to serve his campaign’s narrative.

Stephen Bannon, Trump’s incoming chief White House strategist, has been the chairman of Breitbart and has overseen its transformation from a more traditional conservative outlet to what he described as a “platform” for the so-called “alt-right,” whose noxious brand of white nationalist nativist politics now dominates the conservative movement.

Breitbart’s dedication to Trump and its vilification of his perceived enemies were reflected in its writeup of the contentious exchange between Trump and Acosta, headlined “Trump to CNN: You Are Fake News.” Breitbart.com also posted the following headlines on its front page:

In turn, Trump has often used the millions of followers he has on social media to direct web traffic toward Breitbart stories promoting him and his conspiracy theories.

Later on CNN, Acosta reported that Republican National Committee communications director and incoming Trump press secretary Sean Spicer told him that if he were to persist in asking Trump questions in the same manner, he would be “thrown out of this press conference.”  (After his combative exchange with Acosta, Trump later fielded a question from CNN reporter Jeremy Diamond.)

The lesson from Trump is that he won’t accept the sort of adversarial journalism CNN has engaged in here, which is necessary and vital for a modern, functioning democracy. But if you suck up like Breitbart did (and has done), you will be perfectly fine.

You can view the original post here.

Breitbart Admits Role As Trump Enforcer, Showing Why It Should Be Denied Congressional Press Credentials

The following article by the Media Matters staff was posted on their website December 21, 2016:

Breitbart Editor Says Republicans Should Fear The Website If They Cross Trump

In a Politico article detailing how President-elect Donald Trump’s “horde of enforcers” — Breitbart.com listed prominently among them — are scaring Republican lawmakers away from criticizing him, a Breitbart editor said Republicans are right to fear the right-wing website, which was previously run by Trump senior counselor Stephen Bannon. This admission from Breitbart that the outlet plans to support Trump, rather than objectively cover his incoming administration, further demonstrates that the website is not editorially independent enough to warrant permanent Capitol Hill press credentials. Continue reading “Breitbart Admits Role As Trump Enforcer, Showing Why It Should Be Denied Congressional Press Credentials”