Trump’s approach might seem new, but Arnold Schwarzenegger tried it first. It was a disaster.

The following article by Evan Halper with the L.A. Times was posted on their website January 13, 2017:

President-elect Donald Trump’s move into the Oval Office reminds many in Sacramento of the tumult Arnold Schwarzenegger faced as he went from celebrity outsider to California governor. (Thomas Samson / AFP/Getty Images)

President-elect Donald Trump may have mocked the rocky debut of successor Arnold Schwarzenegger in the faux boardroom chair of “The Celebrity Apprentice,” but as he makes his own start in the Oval Office, Trump may find he has a few things to learn from his reality TV replacement.

Long before Schwarzenegger inherited the role of firing underperformers on camera, he was the one selling voters on a pledge to fire an underperforming government. Few politicians are better acquainted than Schwarzenegger with the fickleness of an electorate that propels an outsider with an outsized personality into high office. Continue reading “Trump’s approach might seem new, but Arnold Schwarzenegger tried it first. It was a disaster.”