The lies that Mueller has already documented

Former FBI director Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel probing Russian interference in the 2016 election Credit: Andrew Harnik, AP

To date, the investigation led by special counsel Robert S. Mueller III into Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible coordination with President Trump’s campaign has resulted in criminal charges against 33 individuals and three companies. Of those 33 individuals, six are U.S. nationals, 25 are Russian, one is Ukrainian and one is Dutch. Of the six U.S. nationals, five had some direct association with Trump’s campaign — with the addition on Thursday of Trump’s former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

All five have admitted criminal liability in some form or another. All five — Cohen, former campaign chairman Paul Manafort, former deputy campaign chairman Rick Gates, former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos and former campaign adviser and national security adviser Michael Flynn — have agreed to cooperate with the Mueller probe to some extent. Four are awaiting sentencing. One is currently serving time in prison.

For the most part, the charges faced by the non-Russian individuals stem from having made false statements to federal investigators or, in the case of Cohen, to Congress. In the cases of Gates and Manafort, the plea agreements include admissions of guilt on these charges because they are relatively minor compared to other charges they faced.

View the complete November 30 article by Philip Bump on The Washington Post website here.

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