The ‘Tea Party’ is long dead — but a new fake ‘protest movement’ is in the making

Loudoun County is an affluent suburb outside of Washington. Its public school board held a meeting last night. It was cut short. According to the Loudoun Times-Mirror, the board unanimously voted to end a period of public comment “after a capacity crowd descended into shouting and after numerous requests that attendees remain silent were not heeded.” Loudoun County Sheriff’s deputies cleared the meeting room. Some protesters were frog-marched out. Videos of the evening went viral on social media.

That’s why I’m bothering telling you about what would otherwise be a local event of no consequence to national politics. I think what happened last night is something we’re probably going to see more of in the weeks ahead. It has the feeling of a “Tea Party”-style “movement” in which “righteous” Americans “revolt” against the “infringement” of their liberties. It’s premised on a garbage pile of lies, but lots of white people in this country are willing to believe them, because lies tell them what they want to believe. They see themselves as victims. They will prove it, though the proof is delusional.

By the time the press corps picks up the story, the truth will be lost and the reported “controversy” will be about what liberalism’s enemies say liberals say, boxing out of “debate” almost entirely what liberals themselves say they say. Continue reading.

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