Trump struggles to explain what Melania is doing post-White House: ‘She’s low key but not actually low key’

Former president Donald Trump gave a rambling explanation for his wife’s activities since leaving the White House nearly six months ago.

The twice-impeached one-term president called in to Newsmax TV for a lengthy interview, and the hosts asked what Melania Trump had been up to since leaving Washington, D.C., as President Joe Biden was sworn in.

“It’s very funny,” Trump began. “She’s a very confident person. She was very successful as a model, she was very, very successful. and she is low key, but not actually low key, but she’s low key and the people love her. For instance, I’m making a speech in Ohio, where they’re going to have big crowds, they already have them lined up. We’re going have big crowds tomorrow night, and when I go there, there will be many, many signs. ‘We love our first lady, we love our first lady,’ and a lot of times they show a picture of a high heel, a shoe with a high heel.” Continue reading.

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