Want to Know More About: The Trump Trade War

Christine Romans: “The President Often Says These Are Tariffs On China, That China Pays, But It’s Really The U.S. Importing Companies That Pay, Whether It’s Electronics, Shoes, Sporting Gear, Or Food, Companies Pay The Import Tax To The U.S. Government And Then The Companies Either Eat That Higher Cost Or Pay It Onto You, The Consumer.” ROMANS: “So far the U.S. Hit China with $250 billion on tariffs on $250 billion goods. The President often says these are tariffs on China, that China pays, but it’s really the U.S. importing companies that pay, whether it’s electronics, shoes, sporting gear, or food, companies pay the import tax to the U.S. Government and then the companies either eat the higher cost or pass it along to you, the consumer.” [New Day, CNN, 9/19/18; VIDEO]

Christine Romans: “The Auto Industry Already Warns The Tariffs On Car Parts Could Raise The Price Of A New Car Several Thousand Dollars.” ROMANS: “It’s really the companies that pay the import tax to the U.S. Government and then the companies either eat the higher cost or pass it along to you, the consumer. In fact, the auto industry already warns tariffs on car parts could raise the price of cars by several thousands dollars.” [New Day, CNN, 9/19/18; VIDEO]

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