Watch: Trump trade adviser loses it when CNN corners him on complaints about his professional conduct

On CNN Thursday, anchor Alisyn Camerota confronted White House trade adviser Peter Navarro about his reported misconduct allegations — and he lost his temper and accused it of being a fabrication by Amazon and Jeff Bezos to railroad him.

“There’s a few investigations that have come to light about your style and your handling of the procurement, so let’s go through them,” said Camerota. “The House Oversight Committee is looking at your procurement of ventilators, and they say that you were working with Phillips which is a technology company, and that you — they believe, wasted half a billion dollars — $500 million by agreeing to pay Phillips to make ventilators at price five times the amount that the Obama administration paid. So is that true and why?”

“No, it’s not true,” said Navarro. “All that stuff you’re seeing in the fake news — look, Alisyn, let’s be honest here. When somebody from the Democratic-controlled House does an investigation of this administration, that is a partisan witch hunt.” Continue reading.

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