Why does Paulsen oppose net neutrality?

To the Editor:

In 2017, Erik Paulsen voted to repeal net neutrality despite overwhelming public support by the American people in favor of keeping it.  About 83 percent of Americans believe in keeping net neutrality including 75 percent of Republicans.

So how much does it cost to buy a vote from Erik Paulsen?  We should ask the telecom companies that had a vested interest in repealing net neutrality.  They donated over $50,000 to his campaign.

His opponent Dean Phillips refused to take any campaign donations from special interests.  Dean believes that money is a corrupting influeence in politics and wants his voters to know that he will represent them, not big donors.

In 2018, let’s vote for a leader who will vote for our best interests not the interests of corporate donors.

Debbie Lane, Eden Prairie

Eden Prairie News, June 21, 2018

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