WSJ slams ‘nutty’ Marjorie Taylor Greene affair: Endorsing Nancy Pelosi’s assassination is ‘cuckoo rhetoric’

The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board says U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene‘s endorsement of assassinating the Speaker of the House, a former U.S. President, and two former U.S. Secretaries of State is merely “nutty,” and “cuckoo rhetoric.”

“On Thursday, under pressure from all sides, Ms. Greene disavowed her past cuckoo rhetoric,” the WSJ editorial says.

“Everyone agrees Ms. Greene’s past social-media posts were nutty. But it’s a troubling precedent for the House majority party to overrule the committee assignments of the minority, based on a politician’s words before taking office,” the editorial reads.

Really? Not everyone. Most believe they are far worse than “nutty” or “cuckoo.” Continue reading.

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