In the Know: May 26, 2020

Days to the November Election:  161

2020 Election
Joe Biden has a plan for that, Vox
The polarized pandemic election, Axios
The 10 Senate seats most likely to flip, The Hill
Biden Commemorates Memorial Day In First Outing Amid Coronavirus Pandemic, NPR
Bernie Sanders, iconoclast turned team player, leans in to help Joe Biden, Los Angeles Times

Hemp was supposed to boost farmers. It’s turned out to be a flop., Politico

Dan Feehan, CD1 Candidate
VIDEO: Dan Feehan runs for 1st congressional district, KAAL
DFL endorses Feehan in congressional race, KEYC Continue reading “In the Know: May 26, 2020”

In the Know: May 22, 2020

Days to the November Election:  165

2020 Election
Biden vetting rumors are circulating. Here are the VP finalists we see., Washington Post
A Trump election conspiracy collapses, Politico

Corn prices keep slumping, and Minnesota farmers keep planting more, Star Tribune
Farmers Can Sign Up For Payments Beginning May 26, Forbes

Attorney General Keith Ellison
AG Ellison says ‘yes’ after Minn. legislators ask if he will enforce coronavirus emergency orders, Bemidji Pioneer
Minnesota April unemployment more than double 2019’s, but still better than U.S. Duluth News Tribune

Donald Trump
‘I tested positively toward negative’: Trump talks about coronavirus test results, USA Today
Trump Is Brazenly Interfering With the 2020 Election, The Atlantic
Trump Claimed Arms Sales Would Provide a Massive Jobs Boost. A New Report Shows How Wrong He Was., Mother Jones
Antimalarial drug touted by President Trump is linked to increased risk of death in coronavirus patients, study says, Washington Post
Trump fires back at Michigan AG after she calls him ‘petulant child’, The Hill
G-7 leaders cautious as Trump suggests face-to-face summit, Washington Post

U.S. shale bust slams rural economies as oil checks shrivel, Reuters
Republicans Poised to Dismantle the Economy’s Main Support, The American Prospect
Why Our Economy May Be Headed for a Decade of Depression, New York Magazine
The Senate won’t consider more coronavirus stimulus until early June, Vox
White House’s Hassett expects June turning point in U.S. employment: CNN, Reuters

DeVos Faces Pushback Over Plan To Reroute Aid To Private School Students, NPR
Court papers show Lori Loughlin and her husband, Mossimo Giannulli, will plead guilty in college admissions bribery case, Associated Press

‘Expect More’: Climate Change Raises Risk of Dam Failures, New York Times
Hurricane Season Will Be Above Average, NOAA Warns, NPR

Governor Tim Walz
Walz to give state employees promised raise, MPR
Walz: Phased plan to reopen bars, restaurants, barbershops and salons starts June 1; Church restrictions remain, KSTP
Teamsters Local 320 Applauds Minnesota Governor Tim Walz for Supporting Unions and Collective Bargaining, Southern Minnesota

Scientists Warn CDC Testing Data Could Create Misleading Picture Of Pandemic, NPR
McConnell Is Pushing Through Another Trump Judge Who’s Gunning for Obamacare, Slate
Study: U.S. could have saved 36,000 lives if social distancing started 1 week earlier, MPR

Undocumented immigrants may be eligible for federal COVID care, but a larger issue looms, The Hill
Democratic lawmakers request information on reports of family separation in detention, CNN

Minnesota April unemployment more than double 2019’s, but still better than U.S. Duluth News Tribune
U.S. labor market struggles as layoffs spread despite businesses reopening, Reuters
‘Essential’ workers are just forced laborers, Washington Post

Minnesota Legislature
Minnesota farmers protected from foreclosure through harvest, Fergus Falls Journal

Minnesota News
Another Minnesota county surges as national coronavirus hotspot, City Pages
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey to make face masks mandatory inside public accommodations, Bring me the News MN
Watertown giving households $60 economic stimulus checks. Star Tribune
We’re all one paycheck away’: More Minnesotans flocking to food shelves, MPR

Representative Collin Peterson (CD7)
House bills would let regulators study blockchain, backers say, Security Info Watch

Representative Dean Phillips (CD3)
Help for battered restaurants could be on the way as House considers new bills, Washington Post

Representative Ilhan Omar (CD5)
Ilhan Omar interview: the US politician on her new book and refugee past, The Times

Rent Is Still Due in Kushnerville, ProPublica
Life at the Trump Tailgate: Spiked Slurpees, Culture Wars and the Coronavirus Hoax, Politico
Pompeo Ordered State Dept. Officials To Invent Reason For His Emergency Declaration In Saudi Arms Sale, Talking Points Memo
The Presidential Race Florida Is Really Talking About, Politico

Senator Amy Klobuchar
Klobuchar, Moran introduce bill to protect senior citizens from scams, fraud amid coronavirus

U.S. News
A Double Standard Too Glaring Even for GOP Supreme Court Justices?, The American Prospect
No Employment Boom for Georgia After Reopening, New York Magazine
White Anti-Quarantine Protesters Have Cruelly Co-opted a Black 18th Century Slave, Daily Beast
Second wave of coronavirus infections could cause a worse economic disaster, experts warn, CNBC
Democrats demand reinstatement of State Department inspector general fired by Trump, CNBC
In New York City, 2 Million Residents Face Food Insecurity, Officials Say, NPR

World News
The world stumbles towards reopening amid a global leadership vacuum, Politico
Brazil has one of the world’s worst coronavirus outbreaks. Bolsonaro wants to reopen anyway., Vox
Coronavirus fears grip Middle East; 10,000 Iran medics infected, Al Jazeera
Hong Kong is ‘anxious, angry and frightened,’ ex-lawmaker says of China’s proposed security law, CNBC

Upcoming DFL Events

With the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation, we suggest you check with the hosting organization to see if meetings, etc. are being held.

  • Today through May 24 — Ramadan
  • Today through June 2 — Window for Candidates to Register with Minnesota to Run for City Offices with Possible Primaries, County Offices, Judicial and Legislative Positions
  • May 25 — Memorial Day, Eid al Fitar
  • May 26 -31 — State DFL Convention virtual voting window
  • May 31 — Mandatory meeting for district-level DFL National Delegates, more information as it becomes available
  • June 2, 7:00 to 8:30 PM — SD40 DFL Central Committee Meeting, contact them for specifics
  • June 3
    • 6:30 to 8:30 PM — SD50 DFL Central Committee Meeting, contact them for specifics
    • 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD33 DFL Central Committee Virtual Meeting, contact them for specifics
  • June 4, 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD46 DFL Central Committee Meeting, contact them for specifics
  • June 8
    • 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD44 DFL Central Committee Meeting, contact them for specifics
    • 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD49 DFL Central Committee Meeting, contact them for specifics
  • June 11
    • 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD36 DFL Central Committee Meeting, contact them for specifics
    • 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD48 Central Committee Meeting, contact them for specifics
  • June 14 — Flag Day
  • June 15, 7:00 to 9:00 PM — Anoka County DFL Meeting, contact them for specifics
  • June 17, 7:00 to 9:00 PM — CD3 DFL Central Committee Meeting, more information as it becomes available.
  • June 20 — Summer Solstice
  • June 21 — Father’s Day
  • June 26 through August 10 — Primary Election Early Voting Window

In the Know: May 21, 2020

Days to the November Election:  166

2020 Election
Romney counters Trump: 90 percent of ‘very Republican’ Utah votes by mail, The Hill
A New Giuliani-Like Effort to Smear Biden Over Ukraine Falls Flat, Mother Jones


Attorney General Keith Ellison
Kim Bartmann has almost paid back her employees… unless you ask her employees, City Pages
Continue reading “In the Know: May 21, 2020”

In the Know: May 20, 2020

Days to the November Election:  167

2020 Election
Democrats outline election plan to make health care their top issue amid coronavirus, USA Today
How Texas Has Taken Its Fight Against Pandemic Absentee Voting To The Next Level, Talking Points Memo
Biden team sees lessons in Clinton’s loss as Trump renews 2016 playbook, CNN

The government has earmarked billions to help farmers. There will be winners and losers, NBC News

Donald Trump
Trump Is Failing at Governing But Winning at Authoritarianism, New York Magazine
Trump dismisses hydroxychloroquine study that undermines him as a “Trump enemy statement”, Vox
How Bill Barr Deceitfully Rewrites History to Give Trump What He Craves, Mother Jones
Trumpworld Wants to Pump the Brakes on COVID Aid, Figures It Can Spend Closer to the Election, The Daily Beast
‘A moonshot mission’: Trump campaign eyes a return to megarallies, Politico Continue reading “In the Know: May 20, 2020”

In the Know: May 19, 2020

Days to the November Election:  168

2020 Election
Western States Lead the Way in Vote-By-Mail Elections, Mother Jones
Why Democrats Can’t Rely On Voter Anger This November, 538
Texas Supreme Court Will Take Up Pandemic Mail-In Voting, Mother Jones


Attorney General Keith Ellison
MN Joins Lawsuit Against EPA For Pollution Rules, KWLM Continue reading “In the Know: May 19, 2020”

In the Know: May 18, 2020

Days to the November Election:  169

2020 Election
Democrats suddenly have a much better chance of retaking the Senate in 2020, Vox
How Democrats Lost a House Seat in California, The American Prospect
Don Jr. and Eric Preview Trump Camp’s Ugly Biden Attacks, New York Magazine
Swing-state Republicans warn Trump’s reelection is on shaky ground, Politico


Attorney General Keith Ellison
Ellison files lawsuit against Minnesota bar owner for planning to defy Walz’s executive order, Pioneer Press Continue reading “In the Know: May 18, 2020”

In the Know: May 15, 2020

Days to the November Election:  173

2020 Election
Political ads expected to explode, even as economy tanks, Politico
Trump campaign focuses fire on Biden as pandemic undermines strategy, The Guardian
‘They are angry’: Pandemic and economic collapse slam Trump across Rust Belt, Politico

To Fight Waste and Hunger, Food Banks Start Cooking, New York Times
Meat Plant Closures Mean Pigs Are Gassed or Shot Instead, New York Times

Attorney General Keith Ellison
Effort to broaden hate crime reporting in Minnesota stalls, Star Tribune
AG Ellison: ‘Governor carefully turning the dial on reopening Minnesota’, Red Lake Nation
Minnesota AG pushes to preserve Obamacare ahead of Supreme Court fight, Fox 9
Donald Trump
Trump’s company has received at least $970,000 from U.S. taxpayers for room rentals, Washington Post
Trump’s “Reopening” Is a Red Herring, In These Times
Trump expresses anger that his China trade deal is off to a rocky start, but he lacks obvious remedies, Washington Post
How Trump is using coronavirus to reshape world trade, Politico
Frank Rich: ‘Obamagate’ Means Trump Is Desperate, New York Magazine
“Obamagate”: Trump’s latest conspiracy theory, explained, Vox
Trump Minions Go Crazy for His Toxic ‘Mask-ulinity’, Daily Beast
World looks on in horror as Trump flails over pandemic despite claims US leads way, Guardian

Retail Sales Fall 16.4% in April, New York Times
Coronavirus ‘could cost global economy $8.8tn’ says ADB, BBC
Economic Shock of Virus Hit Lower-Income Households Harder, Fed Finds, Wall Street Journal
36.5 Million Have Filed For Unemployment In 8 Weeks, NPR
Whistleblower: Wall Street Has Engaged in Widespread Manipulation of Mortgage Funds, ProPublica
Hopes fade for coronavirus relief deal before June, The Hill
House to vote on massive new coronavirus relief bill, CBS News

DeVos Funnels Coronavirus Relief Funds to Favored Private and Religious Schools, New York Times<
With school buildings closed, children’s mental health is suffering, MPR
When Can Kids Go Back to Class? New York Times
House Democrats Scale Back Student Debt Cancellation In The Heroes Act, Forbes

Minnesota environment loses again if GOP has its way with trust fund money, Star Tribune
Ozone layer: Concern grows over threat from replacement chemicals, BBC News
Tracking the Environmental Rules Reversed Under Trump, New York Times

Governor Tim Walz
Gov. Tim Walz says Minnesota’s reopening followed preparation, not political pressure, Star Tribune
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz loosens stay-at-home restrictions, Star Tribune
Minnesota relies on data to reopen during coronavirus outbreak. Same measures will be used if there’s a need to ‘dial back’, Pioneer Press
Youth sports, Walz administration working toward return to play, Star Tribune

Workers and COVID-19: Access to healthcare, now ‘a matter of life and death’, The United Nations
The Disproportionate Impact of Covid-19 on Black Health Care Workers in the U.S. Harvard Buisness Review
CDC warns doctors about childhood illness linked to Covid-19, CNN
Live updates: Prestigious medical journal slams Trump as U.S. death toll surpasses 85,000, Washington Post
Doctors in Italy make a link between Covid-19 and rare ‘Kawasaki-like’ inflammatory disease in children, CNN

Court ruling a win for safe communities over sanctuary chaos, The Hill
Five Ways Immigrants Are Helping Their Fellow Americans Fight COVID-19, Talking Points Memo


Labor Department reports 36.5 million unemployment claims over 2 months, Politico
As businesses look to reopen, Democrats and advocates want more rules to protect workers, ABC
White House likely to support new round of stimulus checks, 6th Amazon worker dies from virus, CNB

Minnesota News
Minnesota will be recovering from COVID-19 for years, MN Reformer
County health official: Rochester house party spawned cluster of COVID-19 cases, MPR
What’s open (and what’s not) under the Stay Safe MN order, KARE11
Local retailers express mixed feelings about reopening amid coronavirus crisis, Pioneer Press

Minnesota State Legislature
The Minnesota Legislature really wants a say in how the state distributes federal COVID-19 money — even if Walz doesn’t have to listen, MinnPost
Minnesota Legislature votes to raise tobacco age to 21, Brainerd Dispatch
Minnesota Senate leader: Bonding bill still likely to pass, MPR

Representative Angie Craig (CD2)
SBA abruptly drops disaster loan limit from $2M to $150K, Star Tribune
Trump administration removes LGBTQ data from the foster care and adoption reporting system, Metro Weekly

Representative Collin Peterson (CD7)
Pork producers praise livestock provisions in HEROES Act, Fence Post

Representative Dean Phillips (CD3)
House Introduces Legislation To Modify Existing PPP Regulations, JD Supra

Representative Ilhan Omar (CD50
Sanders, Omar Lead 300+ Global Lawmakers in Call to Protect Developing Countries from Economic Ruin, Red Lake Nation

Loeffler turns over documents to SEC and DOJ amid stock-trading controversy, Politico
A noose, an ax and Trump-inspired insults: Anti-lockdown protesters ratchet up violent rhetoric, Washington Post
McConnell says he was wrong on Obama pandemic playbook, Politico
I was a conspiracy theorist, too, Vox
Team ‘Lock Her Up’ Is Now Going After Fauci, Daily Beast
Burr problem grows for GOP, The Hill

Republicans in Minnesota
Minnesota Republicans, what are you going to do?, Star Tribune
Faced with an appalling US coronavirus death toll, the right denies the figures, The Guardian

Secretary of State Steve Simon
Older Minnesota voters file suit to change absentee voting rules amid COVID-19 fears, Star Tribune
Minnesotans encouraged to vote early by mail this election year, Bring Me the News MN

Senator Amy Klobuchar
Klobuchar, Rubio ask CDC to investigate reports of coronavirus causing strokes in younger patients, The Hill
Legislators Urge Justice Department to Watch Post-Covid Ticket Prices, Wall Street Journal

Senator Tina Smith
Sen. Tina Smith part of effort to get more funding for mental health, KIMT
Senator Smith pushes for telehealth funding during COVID outbreak, KTOE
VIDEO: Sen. Smith on COVID-19 federal funding package, ABC Rochester

U.S. News
There Are Sensible Ways to Reopen a Country. Then There’s America’s Approach, Time
CDC offers brief checklists to guide businesses, schools and others on reopening, Washington Post
In 3 Key States That Elected Trump, Bitter Divisions on Reopening, New York Times
FDA cautions about accuracy of widely used Abbott coronavirus test,MPR
Bars and other businesses quickly reopen in Wisconsin — for now, Star Tribune
Pentagon fires its point person for Defense Production Act, Politico

World News
Sweden Stayed Open. A Deadly Month Shows the Risks., New York Times
COVID-19 Has Arrived In Rohingya Refugee Camps And Aid Workers Fear The Worst, NPR
What’s fueling South Korea’s coronavirus success — and relapse, Politico
A New Report Shows What Really Happened With China’s Coronavirus Response, Mother Jones
The Countries Taking Advantage of Antarctica During the Pandemic, The Atlantic

Upcoming DFL Events

With the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation, we suggest you check with the hosting organization to see if meetings, etc. are being held.

  • Today through May 17 — Minnesota Stay at Home Order
  • Today through May 23 — Ramadan
  • May 18 — Last Day of the 2020 Legislative Session
  • May 20, 7:00 to 9:00 PM — CD3 DFL Central Committee Meeting, Council Chambers, Minnetonka Community Center, 14600 Minnetonka Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55345
  • May 25 — Memorial Day
  • May 26 -31 — State DFL Convention virtual voting window
  • May 31 — Mandatory meeting for district-level DFL National Delegates, more information as it becomes available
  • June 3
    • 6:30 to 8:30 PM — SD50 DFL Central Committee Meeting, more information as it becomes available.
    • 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD33 DFL Central Committee Meeting, more information as it becomes available.
  • June 4, 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD46 DFL Central Committee Meeting, more information as it becomes available.
  • June 8
    • 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD44 DFL Central Committee Meeting, more information as it becomes available.
    • 7:00 to 9:00 PM — SD49 DFL Central Committee Meeting, more information as it becomes available.

In the Know: May 14, 2020

Days to the November Election:  173


Attorney General Keith Ellison
Coronavirus hot spot in Minnesota connected to surge of cases at meatpacking plant, NBC News
Minnesota AG pushes to preserve Obamacare ahead of Supreme Court fight, Fox 9

Donald Trump
Trump’s Lawyers Argue for “Temporary Presidential Immunity”, ProPublica
Trump cheers Wisconsin ruling as tensions flare over coronavirus lockdowns, Reuters
Trump’s plan to limit the pandemic’s death toll: Undercount the numbers, Vox
Trump attacks whistleblower Bright as ‘disgruntled employee’, The Hill
Make America Sick Again (Trump, Unmasked), The American Prospect
What the Trump Administration Doesn’t Understand About Vaccines, New York Magazine
Trump attacks point to Pennsylvania’s critical role in reelection bid, The Hill

Continue reading “In the Know: May 14, 2020”

In the Know: May 13, 2020

Days to the November Election:  174

2020 Election
Kushner, Law Aside, Doesn’t Rule Out Delaying 2020 Election, New York Times
Biden, Sanders name leaders of their ‘unity task forces’ — including AOC, Politico


Attorney General Keith Ellison
‘Essential workers are not disposable workers’: Attorney General Ellison urges President to protect meat-packing workers, Red Lake Nation
Continue reading “In the Know: May 13, 2020”

In the Know: May 12, 2020

Days to the November Election:  175

2020 Election
Biden and Trump Teams Each Raised Over $60 Million in April, New York Times
Biden Is Planning an FDR-Size Presidency, New York Magazine
Ignoring Trump and Right-Wing Think Tanks, Red States Expand Vote by Mail, ProPublica
California Is Sending Every Voter a Ballot This Fall. The Rest of the Country Is Running Out of Time., Mother Jones
It’s all rigged’: Trump foreshadows how he could undermine presidential election, The Guardian

What Happened When Health Officials Wanted to Close a Meatpacking Plant, but the Governor Said No, ProPublica
Meatpacking has long been dangerous, grueling work. Then COVID-19 hit., MN Reformer

DFL News
DFL Party Releases Slate of Endorsed State Legislative Candidates,
MNGOP Convention Countdown: Ahead of Republicans’ Endorsement for U.S. Senate, Jason Lewis’ Comments About Women Prove He’s Unfit to Represent All Minnesotans,
Continue reading “In the Know: May 12, 2020”