Rep. Michael V. Nelson (HD40A) Update: May 24, 2018

Rep. Michael V. Nelson (40A) – Legislative Update

Dear neighbors,

The legislative session ended Sunday night at midnight. This is one of the most mismanaged legislative sessions I’ve witnessed. Republicans in the Legislature put themselves, corporations, and the wealthy ahead of Minnesotans and failed to act on the issues most important to Minnesota families. Over the last few months Governor Dayton warned Republican lawmakers which proposals he would not sign into law, but Republicans ignored him. Today, Governor Dayton followed through on his word and vetoed the Republican spending bill and a Republican tax bill that gave permanent tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations, but very little to working families.

I know Minnesotans expect us to make Minnesota work better for everyone. We all care deeply about our state and want to see one another succeed. The good news is that I was able to collaborate with my colleagues, Republicans and Democrats alike, to pass important bills for our area.

After three years of work we agreed on a plan to stabilize Minnesota’s public pensions. This will help working families now and for years to come.  The legislation was sent to the Governor and I expect him to sign it into law.

We also found agreement on a bonding bill that will provide $4 million for the bridge over Highway 169 at 101st and 252 will likely be approved for significant funding through the corridors of commerce program. The Governor is expected to inform us if he will support the bonding bill by the end of the week.

Please let me know if you have any questions. I will keep you updated as news develops from the Capitol.


Michael V. Nelson

State Representative

Categories: SD40
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