Statement from DFL Chairman Ken Martin on Trump’s First Budget Blueprint

March 16, 2017

“Last Night, Donald Trump made his first budget blueprint public and it’s a disaster.

“Republicans have always said that they want to see our country run like a business but our government is set up to help people, not turn a profit. To meet their bottom line, Trump’s Administration proposes deep cuts to programs that provide help that no state alone can. Programs like medical research, environmental protections, WIC grants, and money for state water projects.

“Trump’s budget pulls money from international and cultural programs, before and after-school programs, rural water infrastructure, federal subsidies for rural airports, and dumps it into a $54 billion dollar increase of defense spending. Cutting these vital programs that so many vulnerable Americans rely upon does not and will not make America great. Trump’s inexperience in government and blindness toward the benefits of governmental programs have combined into one of the most dangerous federal budget blueprints of our lifetime.

“This Trump budget has failed that moral test of government in more ways than I can begin to count. Budgets are a reflection of priorities and clearly Trump and the Republicans could care less about the prosperity of families, comfort for our seniors, progress for the working class, protection of our environment, or the future of our country.”

State DFL Chair Ken Martin on Betsy DeVos


Chair Martin released the following statement February 7, 2017:

“Today, the Trump Administration forced a dangerously unqualified nominee on the American people. His ‘my way or the highway’ attitude has put too many families in harm’s way and this latest promotion of the most unqualified candidate for Secretary of Education is no different.

“Once she was announced as Trump’s pick to be the country’s highest ranking education official, it was immediately revealed that she had no experience with public schools at all- not as a student, parent, teacher, administrator, nothing.  Her gross incompetence was on full display during the U.S. Senate hearings. When she was before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee, she refused to rule out defunding public schools, refused to stand up for kids with disabilities, and failed to answer basic questions about education policy.

“The American people have expressed their displeasure through calls, emails, letters, and social media asking their senators to listen when they say no to Trump’s agenda and not confirm DeVos. Our children and our country’s future are too important to allow an unqualified, enemy of public education to lead the Education Department.”

– See more at:

DFL Chair Ken Martin on Donald Trump’s Inauguration

“Today, as Donald Trump becomes president, the Trump Administration will start working to undo all the progress we’ve made over the past 8 years. Their reckless ideas don’t account for the very real people who will be affected by them combined with the unrestrained support by the GOP-controlled Congress creates an unknown level of fear for what our future holds.

“But it’s not about how much we fear the uncertainty. It’s about how we transform that fear into fuel to fight the discrimination and hatred inherent in Trump’s policies so that we can protect the progress we made under President Obama’s bold leadership. Continue reading “DFL Chair Ken Martin on Donald Trump’s Inauguration”

DFL Chair Ken Martin on Donald Trump’s Hold on Minnesota’s Republican Party

“On Thursday morning, Speaker Kurt Daudt said that Donald Trump is great for the Minnesota Republican Party. I am constantly astounded by the Party’s acceptance and support of a candidate whose campaign is built on bigotry and discrimination.

“On the heels of Trump’s racist comments about a federal judge, and the prejudicial statements made by Rep. Tony Cornish and candidate Ali Jimenez-Hopper, the Party’s embrace of this toxic rhetoric is a troubling trend that has no place in Minnesota.

“These tone-deaf statements minimize the very real issues that many Minnesotans face. It’s time for Speaker Daudt and Minnesota’s Republicans to stop blindly following Donald Trump’s divisive lead and prioritize the needs of Minnesotans they are running to represent.”