What’s at stake in Tuesday’s election? When it comes to state offices, pretty much everything

Credit: Corey Anderson, MinnPost

So what’s at stake in Tuesday’s election when it comes to Minnesota constitutional offices and the state Legislature?

Kind of a lot — including the chance for Republicans to be elected to a statewide position for the first time in eight years, and for Democrats to regain control of the state Legislature.


Incumbent Gov. Mark Dayton had long let it be known he had no interest in seeking a third term in the office, which meant lots of people kicked the tires on possible campaigns for governor over the last two years. Open seats are rare enough that anybody who sees themselves as governor had to give it a look.

Senate DFL End of Session Review

June 8, 2018

Senate DFL stands up for all Minnesotans

Minnesotans are counting on legislative leaders to build the state they deserve, where everyone can get a high-quality education, access affordable health care, and enjoy a great quality of life.

The Legislature had an opportunity this year to make progress for Minnesotans on protecting our elders and vulnerable adults; safer schools and smaller class sizes; lowering health care costs; and a $3 billion backlog of statewide construction projects. Minnesotans from every county and all walks of life visited the Capitol and urged lawmakers to lend a helping hand. Instead of listening, Republicans sided with the pharmaceutical industry and multi-national corporations time after time. Continue reading “Senate DFL End of Session Review”

Bakk responds to Fischbach’s ascenscion to Executive Branch

SAINT PAUL, Minn. — Senate DFL Leader Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, sent a letter today to Lieutenant Governor Michelle Fischbach and Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka asking for the Lt. Gov.’s resignation from the Minnesota Senate.

“Congratulations on becoming lieutenant governor of the State of Minnesota,” writes Bakk. “As you know, the Minnesota Constitution prohibits you from simultaneously holding the offices of state senator and lieutenant governor.”

“As your former colleague, I respectfully ask you to formally acknowledge that you no longer hold the office of state senator for Senate District 13,” continues Bakk.

The letter can be found online here.