Counterpoint: Gazelka may want to thank Trump, but I don’t

My conversation with the president would have gone a bit differently.

State Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka, R-Nisswa, welcomed President Donald Trump to Minnesota last week and was one of a handful of elected officials to get a special shoutout during the president’s 100-minute speech. Sen. Gazelka also wrote a commentary (“I’d like to expand on my thanks to the president,” Oct. 15) to outline all he had to be thankful for with Donald Trump as president. If I’d been given the opportunity, my conversation with the president would have gone a little differently.

I would have asked President Trump if he’s been in touch with any Minnesotans who aren’t in the top 1% for feedback on his tax bill. I know business has been great for billionaires, but corporations and the wealthy now pay a lower tax rate than middle-class Minnesotans and that’s just not right.

Instead of thanking the president for continuing to slash away at the Affordable Care Act, I would ask him why his administration is working to remove protections for Americans with pre-existing health conditions.

If I had the chance, I would ask Trump why he continues to punish our Minnesota farmers and place tariffs on goods that are being paid for by our residents.

View the complete October 16 commentary by Sen. Jeff Hayden on The StarTribune website here.

Bakk responds to Fischbach’s ascenscion to Executive Branch

SAINT PAUL, Minn. — Senate DFL Leader Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook, sent a letter today to Lieutenant Governor Michelle Fischbach and Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka asking for the Lt. Gov.’s resignation from the Minnesota Senate.

“Congratulations on becoming lieutenant governor of the State of Minnesota,” writes Bakk. “As you know, the Minnesota Constitution prohibits you from simultaneously holding the offices of state senator and lieutenant governor.”

“As your former colleague, I respectfully ask you to formally acknowledge that you no longer hold the office of state senator for Senate District 13,” continues Bakk.

The letter can be found online here.