Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: April 5, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

I hope this finds you well! Here’s an update from St. Paul:

Governor Walz’s State of the State Address

It was an honor to attend the State of State representing our great City of Edina. Governor Walz delivered a compelling speech asking us to work together, across party lines for the people of Minnesota. I heard his message that we have the opportunity to change the dialogue from what a divided government can’t do — to a new story about what divided government can accomplish. As we enter into the final stretch of the 2019 legislative session, I hope we can live up to this and place the people of Minnesota above party politics. Thank you for the inspiration, Governor!

The Star Tribune’s coverage of the address is here. Continue reading “Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: April 5, 2019”

Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: March 22, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

We’ve reached our halfway point of the legislative session. Here’s an update from the Capitol:Thank youA big thank you to everyone who attended and participated in our Senate District 49 Town Hall meeting last Thursday. We had an excellent turn out and I appreciated all the questions and feedback. We are planning a post session town hall; stay tuned for the details!

Governor Walz Releases Revised Budget

Governor Tim Walz today released his revised Budget for One Minnesota for the next biennium. The revised budget accounts for the recent economic forecast while continuing to make smart investments in education, health care, and community prosperity. The budget also includes strategic spending reductions and tax bill adjustments. You can read more about his plan here.

Minnesota House Approves Hands-Free Cell Phone Bill

Minnesotans deserve to be safe on our roadways, crosswalks, bike paths and sidewalks, and we want our friends, neighbors, and relatives to be safe, too. That’s why the Minnesota House this week approved the hands-free cell phone bill (House File 50). I was honored to vote in favor of this life-saving, common-sense measure.

According to the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, distracted or inattentive driving was a contributing factor in one in five crashes from 2013-2017, resulting in an average of 53 deaths and 216 serious injuries each year.

Sixteen other states and the District of Columbia have hands-free cell phone laws. According to WCCO’s latest Reality Check, crashes and fatalities on the road decrease when states have hands-free cell phone laws on the books.

Addressing the Opioid Crisis in Minnesota

In 2016, nearly 400 Minnesotans died as a result of opioid overdoses. In 2017, there were more than 2,000 visits to emergency rooms for opioid-involved overdoses. The rate of opioid-related overdose deaths has steadily increased each year since 2010.

In response to this epidemic, I voted in favor of legislation to establish an Opioid Stewardship Advisory Council to fund addiction prevention, treatment, and recovery services. These services will be funded by grants from a new Opioid Stewardship Fund, resources for which would come from fees paid by pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors.

Pharmaceutical companies have collected billions in profits over the years, while Minnesota taxpayers have had to bear the brunt of these costs through the operation of jails and prisons, out-of-home child placements, and health costs. It’s time these manufacturers and distributors start contributing to the solution.

Angel Investor Tax Credit Proposal

Recently, there was a public hearing on a bill that would make our state’s Angel Investor Tax Credit permanent. The program ended in 2017 and supported startup and early stage companies focused on Minnesota’s technology sector. This bill has bipartisan support in the House and the Senate. You can read more about the proposal here.

Stay in Touch

Please continue to share your feedback with me as the legislative session continues. I value your input!

Heather Edelson
State Representative

Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: March 11, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

I hope you had a great weekend! A lot of legislation is moving through the committee process as the House is working to narrow the focus with our first deadline for bills on Friday.

A big congrats to the Edina Girls and Boys Hockey teams for their state championship victories over the month! Your hard work and dedication are tremendous accomplishments of which you should be proud.

Here’s a recap of what’s been going on at the Capitol: Continue reading “Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: March 11, 2019”

Rep. Healther Edelson (HD49A) Update: March 1, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

As we’re wrapping up our eighth week at the Capitol, a lot has happened. Here’s an update from St. Paul:

Gun Safety Legislation

The House Public Safety and Criminal Justice Finance and Policy Division approved legislation to address the epidemic of senseless gun violence during a public hearing Wednesday night and Tuesday afternoon.

HF 8 would require criminal background checks to be performed prior to all gun sales. Minnesota’s background check system currently has loopholes allowing dangerous individuals to obtain guns via online dealers or through private sales. Evidence shows expanded background checks will save lives, and states which have taken this approach have experienced lower homicide rates, lower firearm suicide rates, and less firearm trafficking. Continue reading “Rep. Healther Edelson (HD49A) Update: March 1, 2019”

Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: February 19, 2019


Dear Neighbors,

Today, Governor Walz shared his state budget recommendations for Minnesota. I was encouraged to see his top three priorities reflected in the two-year proposal. Read about them below:


Governor Walz is committed to leading the nation by making Minnesota the “Education State.” Every Minnesota child deserves a world-class education, regardless of their race or zip code. I support the Governor’s budget to make historic investments in schools to close the funding and opportunity gap and to ensure every child has a good teacher, can receive individual attention, and access to the materials they need to compete in today’s economy.

Health Care

Every Minnesotan deserves access to quality health care at a price they can afford. Governor Walz’s budget includes funding to extend low-cost coverage to thousands small business owners, entrepreneurs and farmers on the individual market. Governor Walz’s budget recommendation would also deliver every Minnesotan an additional health care option, protects stability in the individual market, and helps drive health care costs down. Continue reading “Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: February 19, 2019”

Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: February 13, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

I hope this finds you well. Several bipartisan proposals are moving forward at the Legislature. Here’s an update from St. Paul:

On Tuesday this week, my bill to raise the tobacco age to 21 statewide, received a public hearing and approval from the Health and Human Services Policy Committee.

I am upholding my commitment to improve public health, especially with the nicotine epidemic among our youth. You can read more about my bill, and other public health proposals related to tobacco use moving forward here. Continue reading “Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: February 13, 2019”

Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: February 4, 2019

Dear Neighbors,

I hope this finds you well. Here are a couple of updates from St. Paul.

Senate District 49 Town Hall Meeting Rescheduled

Our town hall meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 14 from 7-8 p.m. at Edina City Hall. I’ll be there along with Sen. Franzen and Rep. Elkins. Listening to your questions, concerns and input helps guide my work at the Capitol. I’d love to see you!

Continue reading “Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: February 4, 2019”

Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: January 23, 2019


Dear Neighbors,

January 8 marked the first day of the 2019 legislative session. I am so honored to be representing you and our community of Edina at the State Capitol! As we embark upon the next two years in St. Paul, I’m committed to serving in a way that reflects our shared values, and delivering solutions which give everyone a true opportunity to succeed. It was a special celebration, especially having my husband Brett and three children join me on the House Floor for the swearing-in ceremony.

Continue reading “Rep. Heather Edelson (HD49A) Update: January 23, 2019”

Starting Line: First bills of the 2019 Legislative Session

From the Minnesota House Public Information Service: