Backlogs, deadlines and a massive bureaucratic reboot await federal workers after shutdown’s end

An avalanche of emails, backlogged permits, lapsed contracts and stalled payments to ­low-income Americans will face the hundreds of thousands of federal employees who return to work Monday.

For 35 days, they waited out the shutdown of nine Cabinet agencies and dozens of smaller ones. Now, they’ll face a massive bureaucratic reboot that could take weeks or even months.

The National Park Service will need to restore basic amenities at hundreds of parks and monuments, removing accumulated trash and plowing multiple feet of snow. The Bureau of Indian Affairs must quickly issue grants to head off food shortages and a health-care crisis for Native American tribal members whose funding was cut off.

View the complete January 27 article by Lisa Rein, Juliet Eilperin and Sarah Kaplan on The Washington Post website here.

Trump Threatens Another Shutdown As Workers Struggle To Recover From His First One

While the Trump administration is threatening to shut down the government again, workers are still struggling to recover from Trump’s first temper tantrum, and the economy has already suffered lasting damage.

The Trump administration won’t rule out shutting down the government again over Trump’s unnecessary and ineffective border wall.

PBS’s Yamiche Alcindor: “Sarah Sanders isn’t ruling out another shutdown and says that people worried about the govt shutting down should call Democrats and urge them to negotiate. Buckle up, folks.”

Larry Kudlow on Trump shutting down the government again in three weeks: “We will see what happens.” Continue reading “Trump Threatens Another Shutdown As Workers Struggle To Recover From His First One”

Opposition To Trump Grows After His Government Shutdown

The Trump Shutdown made hundreds of thousands of workers suffer, caused lasting damage to our economy, and sent Trump’s approval ratings plummeting.

Trump’s approval ratings continue to plummet after the Trump Shutdown:

  • Only 34% of Americans approve of the way Trump is handling his job as president, while 65% disapprove — a decline of 8 points since he shut down the government.

Opposition to Trump’s re-election continues to grow:

  • 56% of Americans say they definitely wouldn’t vote for Trump, including 59% of independents.

Continue reading “Opposition To Trump Grows After His Government Shutdown”

‘Wrong track’: Public sours on nation’s direction after shutdown

Sixty-three percent of Americans say the nation is on the wrong track, according to a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

WASHINGTON — After the longest partial government shutdown in U.S. history, six-in-10 Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction, and nearly 70 percent of them have negative opinions on the state of the nation today, according to the latest national NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll.

“Wrong track,” “disarray,” “turmoil,” “polarized,” “concerned,” “shambles” and “declining” were some of the answers given by respondents asked to sum up their feelings on the state of America.

“Times are grim,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducted this survey with Republican pollster Bill McInturff. “The shutdown is front and center.”

View the complete January 27 article by Mark Murray on the NBC News website here.

Republicans distance themselves from shutdown tactics

Senate Republicans on Sunday described the freshly ended 35-day partial government shutdown as an ineffective and harmful tactic deployed to secure funding for President Trump’s proposed wall along the southern border.

Fresh off a Friday vote to reopen the government for three weeks, lawmakers described the shutdown as an exercise in futility that harmed Americans, and expressed optimism lawmakers could hammer out a legislative compromise in the next three weeks.

“Shutdowns are never good policy, ever,” Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “They are never to be used as a means to achieve any kind of goal no matter how important that goal may seem to be.”

U.S. Economy Lost An Estimated $6 Billion To Shutdown, S&P Says

The president had demanded $5.7 billion to fulfill his long-promised project to build a wall on the southern border.

A global ratings agency has estimated that the recent partial government shutdown cost the U.S. economy at least $6 billion, according to a Reuters report.

Standard & Poor’s Global Ratings announced on Friday that its estimation is based on productivity loss from furloughed workers and economic activity loss to outside business, according to the news agency.

“Although this shutdown has ended, little agreement on Capitol Hill will likely weigh on business confidence and financial market sentiments,” the company said in a statement.

Donald J. Trump


I wish people would read or listen to my words on the Border Wall. This was in no way a concession. It was taking care of millions of people who were getting badly hurt by the Shutdown with the understanding that in 21 days, if no deal is done, it’s off to the races!

147K people are talking about this

View the complete January 26 article by Kimberley Richards on the Huffington Post website here.

REALITY CHECK: Trump Admin Once Again Writes Off Workers Hurt By The Shutdown

At the press briefing today, Trump’s top economic advisor once again wrote off the concerns of workers hurt by the Trump Shutdown, lied about the significant damage it did to the economy, and suggested that Trump could shut down the government again.

Larry Kudlow said “I honestly don’t know” if the White House supports back pay for contractors.

REALITY: Federal contractors across the country have been devastated by the effects of the Trump Shutdown.

“The estimate of what I’ve lost financially due to the shutdown is upwards of $3,500. The anxiety, sleeplessness and depression make it feel like much more.” – Federal contractor

“While I love being a contractor, I hate the uncertainty that’s come with it. This happened to us last year on a smaller scale, but this year’s shutdown has me concerned for my future and welfare.” – Federal contractor

“We were scraping pennies and nickels together one day to get the baby a Happy Meal. It’s just that bad.” – Federal contractor

Larry Kudlow: “The switch goes back on. No permanent damage to the economy.”

REALITY: Federal workers are struggling from the lasting impacts of the shutdown – which permanently cost the economy $3 billion.

Federal worker who had to pay a 10% penalty to tap into his retirement funds during the shutdown: “It pretty much just pushes my family back.”

“I’m a little nervous after missing 30 plus days… It’s been almost a month since we’ve gotten paid.” – Federal worker

“Morale is slowly decreasing every day. It’s really hard for controllers to maintain 100 percent awareness when they’re thinking about mortgage payments and child care payments.” – Federal worker

Larry Kudlow on Trump shutting down the government again in three weeks: “We’ll see what happens.”

REALITY: Workers still reeling from the 35-day Trump Shutdown are stressed about Trump shutting the government down again.

“They’re throwing us a rope. They’ll throw us that rope, we’ll catch it, and in a few weeks, they’re just going to pull it from us again.” – Federal worker

“That just means that we’ll be fighting again in three weeks for the same thing.” – Federal worker

“It feels like we are still hostages. I’m just so happy to be going back to work and to be able to get on with our lives because I need our health insurance to fill these prescriptions. But who knows if this will all happen again in three weeks.” – Federal contractor

Trump Is Ready To Do It All Over Again

Trump is responsible for the longest government shutdown in history. And now he is threatening to do it all over again.

After shutting down the government for 35 days, and then caving to demands he reopen it, Trump is threatening to do it again to get his unpopular, unnecessary, and ineffective border wall.

NBC News: “President Trump issued a threat of another government shutdown if there isn’t a ‘fair deal’ from Congress on a border wall.”

Washington Post: “Renewing his threats, the president insisted Congress must give him wall funding or risk another government shutdown in three weeks — or a declaration of a national emergency that would allow him to circumvent Congress and use the military to build the wall.” Continue reading “Trump Is Ready To Do It All Over Again”

CBO: Trump Shutdown Cost The Economy $3 Billion That We’ll Never Get Back

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office confirmed today that the Trump Shutdown did significant damage to our economy.

The CBO estimates that the 35-day Trump Shutdown cost the U.S. economy $11 billion, with $3 billion permanently lost.

CNBC: “The federal government shutdown cost the economy $11 billion, according to a new analysis from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Although most of the damage to the economy will be reversed as the government re-opens and workers return to their jobs, the CBO estimated $3 billion in economic activity is permanently lost.”

‘Have I not been clear about the wall?’ Pelosi signals Trump still won’t get what he wants

Credit: Tom Williams, CQ Roll Call

Three weeks of negotiations not likely to result in a Trump-friendly agreement on border wall funding

ANALYSIS — It took 35 days, but President Donald Trump ultimately caved to Democratic demands that he reopen the government before they’d entertain negotiations on border security. And in 21 more, Trump will have to decide whether to give in again, because he’s not likely to get what he wants.

Trump agreed Friday to back a three-week continuing resolution that will reopen the government through Feb. 15. But he is not giving up on his quest to secure funding for wall along the southern border.

“We really have no choice but to build a powerful wall or steel barrier,” Trump said as he concluded remarks from the Rose Garden announcing the deal to temporarily reopen government. “If we don’t get a fair deal from Congress, the government will either shut down on Feb. 15 again or I will use the powers afforded to me under the laws and the Constitution of the United States to address this emergency.”

View the complete January 25 article by Lindsey McPherson on The Roll Call website here.