A vote against Trump is a vote for decency

To the Editor:

Donald Trump routinely criticizes the media, attacks long-standing American institutions, diverts attention from serious issues that affect all Americans, insults anyone who criticizes him or his ideas and lavishes praise on dictators. He contributes to and encourages divisiveness and animosity in our country.

What can we actually do to stop or curtail Trump’s regressive agenda, since he will likely be around for several years? The answer is quite simple. First, we need to think about and act on the following critical issues that impact all of us, which Trump and his avid supporters champion but are not supported by most Americans.

A vote against Trump is a vote for:

Health insurance that covers pre-existing conditions; campaign finance reform; ethics in government; NATO and the European Union; environmental protection; fair tax legislation; common sense gun violence prevention; rational and humane immigration policies; freedom of speech and a free press; critical institutions like the Department of Justice and FBI; science-based decision-making at federal agencies; and protecting our election system and democracy from foreign government interference and influence like Russia.

Most importantly, a vote against Trump is a vote for decency and civility.

Second, we must focus on electing people to Congress, like Dean Phillips, who will question and challenge the administration’s policies and actions. We need a Democratic majority in Congress because current Republican representatives like Erik Paulsen are afraid to stand up to Trump and continue to abdicate their constitutional responsibility to challenge his executive power. We need to send Congress a message that they’re not representing our values. We must stand strong for American values and we can influence our future by voting for Democrats this November.

Brian Golob, Minnetonka
Minnetonka Sun-Sailor, September 18, 2018