There’s No Place Like Home

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Hi Neighbors,

Congress was in recess last week, so I spent a beautiful few days at home in Minnesota. From a ride along with Hennepin County paramedics to visiting the Mall of America vaccination site, it was a busy and informative trip. I do my best to tour small businesses, schools, and organizations in our community whenever I’m home. If you know of somewhere that you think I should visit, let me know by filling out a meeting request form here. I’m already looking forward to my next trip home, but, in the meantime, read on to see some of what I did this time around: 

Vaccinations – and More – at the Mall of America

We know Minnesota is the best, and now we have one more award to back us up. Our state ranks first in getting safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines into arms. That requires a lot of teamwork, something we Minnesotans have in high supply. I visited a community vaccination at the Mall of America this week, where an army of amazing medical professionals and volunteers have administered more than 50,000 doses (and counting)! 

Rep. Phillips at MOA Vaccination Center

Every shot is a step toward ending this pandemic and every Minnesotan 16-years of age and up is eligible to receive a vaccine. Demand may exceed supply for now, but the American Rescue Plan is bringing $4.9 billion to Minnesota. That money will translate to millions more vaccines in the coming weeks. COVID-19 vaccinations are free, and, to find an appointment and book it, click here:

Rep. Phillips at MOA Community Commons

I also met some extraordinary small business owners and entrepreneurs at the new Community Commons in the Mall of America. This temporary space in allows for small businesses that were displaced during the pandemic and civil unrest in Minneapolis to continue to operate and exchange goods and services. These local, neighborhood brands are the cornerstone of our community, and I enjoyed hearing their stories and goals as we work to rebuild the Twin Cities from within together.

Hennepin County Ride Along

Last week, I spent a night riding with Hennepin County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) paramedics to a never ending series of tragedies and emergencies. The professionalism and compassion I observed from them, the Police Department, and the Fire Department would make every Minnesotan proud. 

Rep. Phillips' Ride Along
My ride along with Hennepin EMS was a humbling experience, and I believe the work they are doing should make every Minnesotan proud

There are two truths: systemic injustice and bad apples are serious issues that must be confronted and rectified, and first responders are a remarkably diverse family of dedicated, selfless heroes risking their lives and well-being for us. They deserve our gratitude and respect. 

Unfortunately, mental health and addiction issues were woven into almost every emergency to which we responded. I believe we must prioritize mental healthcare and begin treating addiction as a health crisis. The cost of inaction is unacceptable. Further, the economic, health, and housing conditions in which too many of our neighbors exist is shameful for a country of our capacity and compassion. The United States of America, the wealthiest nation in the world, must make a massive investment in our nation’s infrastructure, from mental health, to affordable housing, and access to healthcare. We don’t have time to waste, and I certainly will not stand for any more lives lost as a result of our unwillingness to act. 

Gun Violence Prevention

In 2018, Congress gave $50 million to fund gun violence research at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH). This week, I sent a letter to the directors of the CDC and NIH for an update on the progress of this research, as well as an estimate for when they believe there will be actionable recommendations for policymakers. Prayers, thoughts, and tweets don’t save lives: action does. I look forward to working across the aisle to find bipartisan solutions that save lives while also respecting the rights of responsible gun owners.

Rep. Phillips' Virtual Meeting
Last week I met with Moms Demand Action to discuss how, together,
we can save lives and prevent gun violence 

With the recent tragic shootings in Colorado and Georgia, we must do more to keep our communities safe. I firmly believe that America can confront any challenge when we band together in common purpose and with a common goal. I believe all Americans – no matter their political affiliation or interpretations of the Second Amendment – want to see fewer people killed by guns in this country. Together, we have been able to reduce the number of deaths caused by car crashes, smoking, and drunk driving. I believe that we can find a way to do this together.

Resources For You

As always, I want to make sure you have the information you need to access the benefits and resources you deserve. If you have questions, ideas, or suggestions related to the information you would like to see be shared below, let my team know, and we will do our best to help:

Keep the faith and keep in touch, 


Dean Phillips 
Member of Congress