After Disclosure Of Mueller Letter, Demands For Barr Resignation Mount

Attorney General Bill Barr frustrated Special Counsel Robert Mueller with his misleading portrayal of the Russia investigation’s final report in March, the Washington Post revealed Tuesday and the Justice Department confirmed. Mueller wrote a letter to Barr saying that his summary of the report he sent to Congress “did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance of this office’s work and conclusions,” the Post reported.

Many reporters and observers had argued from the beginning that Barr’s letter was likely purposely deceitful. Now that it’s been revealed that the notoriously taciturn Mueller objected to the attorney general’s portrayal, Barr is facing increasing calls for his resignation.

“Attorney General Barr willfully misled the American people to cover up attempted crimes by Donald Trump. He should resign his position or face an impeachment inquiry immediately,” said Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro.

View the complete April 30 article by Cody Fenwick with AlterNet on the National Memo website here.