Alabama cop calls for the murder of Biden voters: ‘Put a bullet in their skull for treason’

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In the town of Flomation, Alabama, a far-right police captain stepped down following an outcry over a social media post that called for the murder of Joe Biden supporters. 

The 2020 presidential election has turned out to be quite tight in key states and on Thursday, former Vice President Biden had won 253 votes in the Electoral College compared to 214 for President Donald Trump and had a clear shot at victory with the votes remaining to be counted.

As the process continued, a Facebook user posted, “The idiots that voted for Biden hated Trump enough to throw the country away. Thank the lying liberals and Democrats news media.” Flomation Police Capt. Scott Walden, in response to that post, wrote, “They need to line up ev1 of them and put a bullet in their skull for treason.” Continue reading.