Bipartisan Opioids Bill Sen. Smith Helped Write Signed Into Law

Senator Smith continues to get the job done for Minnesotans. Yesterday, President Trump signed into law the bipartisan Opioids Bills that Sen. Smith helped write, which will bring $1.5 billion in funding for states, tribes, and communities to bolster their prevention, treatment, and recovery efforts. The bill signed into law also includes provisions from a bill that Sen. Smith wrote with Republican Lisa Murkowski – the Improving Access to Mental Health Services Act — that expands mental health services for schools and local communities.

Karin Housley Sides With Opioid Manufacturers Over Minnesota Families

That’s in stark contrast to Karin Housley, who has repeatedly chosen to side with powerful opioid manufacturers and special interests instead of helping families affected by the crisis.

In May, Housley was one of only six people to vote against overwhelmingly bipartisan legislation (60-6) to hold opioid manufacturers accountable and require them to help pay for treatment programs. During debate on the floor, Republican lawmakers urged their colleagues to “have a spine” and vote for the bill, and said the pharmaceutical companies had “lied to the public.” Housley remained unmoved and voted to line the pockets of Big Pharma over helping Minnesota families.