Congressman Dean Phillips: Make Sure You Count


Dear Neighbors,

In Article I of the Constitution, our Founding Fathers set forth a bold plan to hold our government accountable to the people by counting every person living in the United States. The Census ensures that everybody is adequately represented in our democracy. The results of the 2020 Census, which is active now, will impact Minnesota families for the next decade.

The 2020 Census is still moving forward during the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, it’s even easier to make your voice heard – for the first time, you can take the Census online! Complete the Census online or by mail today to avoid the need for a Census worker to come to your home.

Will you stand up for the next generation of Minnesotans by making sure your family gets counted in the 2020 Census?

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Census data determines the number of congressional seats states get, helps business decide where to invest and create jobs, and informs decisions on how much federal funding states receive. Currently, 11 states, including Minnesota, pay more in federal tax dollars than we get back. Filling out the Census ensures that Minnesotans get more of our tax dollars returned to us so we can invest in critical needs such as health care, education, emergency services, infrastructure, and more.


I’ve been working with Census advocates all year because I’m determined
to bring more of our hard-earned tax dollars back to Minnesota.
An accurate count will ensure that we get our fair share.

You should have already received official information about how to respond to the 2020 Census online, by phone, or by mail. If you don’t respond by May, Census workers will visit your home to ensure everyone is counted. We want a complete count, and every person matters. So don’t wait – I encourage you to self-respond by the end of April. Waiting to respond, or not self-responding, means there is a chance you and your family could be missed or counted inaccurately.

Taking the Census is simple and your information is confidential. The Census will never request Social Security numbers, bank or credit card information, immigration or citizenship status, criminal background, or anything on behalf of a political party.

If you have questions about the Census my team is available to help by phone at 952-656-5176 and online. I also know that in light of the coronavirus pandemic, many will struggle to navigate the federal government to obtain benefits and federal assistance. Bureaucracy should never be a barrier to care. My office is here to help. If you or someone you know needs help with a federal agency, please call us at 952-656-5176. This is a rapidly evolving situation, so please refer to my website for the most up-to-date information.

Keep the faith and keep in touch,

Dean Phillips
Member of Congress

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