Court weighs a pause in House lawsuit over Trump’s financial records

House general counsel urged the court to move quickly

A federal appeals court in Washington grappled Tuesday with how to move forward on a House lawsuit to enforce subpoenas for President Donald Trump’s personal and business financial records — with judges suggesting the court might wait until this session of Congress ends Jan. 3.

A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit held oral arguments in the long-running legal fight about committee subpoenas for Trump records from auditing firm Mazars USA and other financial institutions that date back as far as April 2019.

The Supreme Court issued a July 9 opinion on the case that did not resolve the Trump-House dispute over the subpoenas but instead laid out a test for what Congress and the courts must do before subpoenas for a president’s records can be enforced. The opinion then sent the cases back to lower courts to reexamine. Continue reading.