Devin Nunes Mentioned Nude Trump Pics Again And People Have Questions

The California Republican just keeps bringing it up. Why?

Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) has once again mentioned hypothetical nude pictures of President Donald Trump and Twitter users are wondering just why the lawmaker ― a close Trump ally ― is so obsessed.

Nunes has repeatedly referred to the pics and did so again on Thursday night during an interview on Fox News:

Acyn Torabi@Acyn

Devin Nunes appears on Fox News to downplay today’s Russia news by talking about naked pictures of Trump

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Nunes, who is currently suing a parody cow account on Twitter, is likely referring to a phone call made to Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) by Russian pranksters, one of whom was posing as a member of the Ukrainian parliament. The pranksters claimed Russian President Vladimir Putin possessed compromising materials on Trump, including nude pictures. Continue reading.