DFL Chair Ken Martin on the Republican Officials Attempt to End DACA


Ten Republican officials signed a letter and asked Donald Trump to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program put in place by former President Obama. DFL Chairman Ken Martin released the following statement:

“Donald Trump’s presidency has been anti-immigrant from the very beginning. His brazen hatred toward immigrants and refugees has caused an un-American attitude within local and national governments across the country.

“On the heels of the Supreme Court’s decision to allow part of Trump’s Muslim Ban to take effect, a group of Republican Attorney’s General have written a letter asking Trump to end DACA, a program that protects immigrants and keeps families together. Targeting these Dreamers, children who are American and want nothing more than to keep their families together and remain part of the only communities they have ever known, is heinous.

“Democrats know that we are stronger by our diversity and we cannot allow this prejudice to take over our country. We will continue to fight this hatred every step of the way.”